... If we we stick a bullet-crimped 308 load in a straight walled chamber and shoot it, would it fireform the case to the chamber? Then we neck ream and voila. Asking for a friend 😎
161 likeskodiak_precision I don't believe you'll have enough pressure to straighten the case walls.
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... Hence the heavy crimp
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... Maybe make a case forming barrel that's rifled 308 but with the 458 straight-wall in it. We do it here, with a kevlar helmet on 😎
  -  kodiak_precision @laruetactical I have formed many Ackley Improved cartridges over the years. Case forming was best with a normal loading and the resistance provided by the selected bore. Without bullet resistance I think this will be a tough one to get done. Good luck .... I know you'll be safe!
kodamurphy Wouldn't the two step process of reaming introduce the potential for error? Thats, If Im understand your intent.
  -  kodamurphy If youre trying to repurpose the cartridge, definitely check case wall thickness at the shoulder junction. May be a bust with new diameter seated projectile, requiring ID reaming of the cartridge mouth. Spawning a new set of challenges.
  -  laruetactical @kodamurphy ... Neck reaming is of course expected ... tapered wall thicknesses and all that 🧐
  -  laruetactical @kodamurphy ... Not when you own a CNC machine shop, with 150+ CNCs
  -  kodamurphy @laruetactical manufacturing and money is what drives our modern world. Doubt only shows ones limitations... not applying it on you. Just trying to put myself in your head and figure out WTH you're trying to do. Haha. I'll be watching.
  -  laruetactical @kodamurphy ... You left out "ego" 😎 1 like
laruetactical Okay, I studied it. Gonna whack a 308 case to 1.800" long, then straighten the body, then neck ream to whatever allows heaviest bullet without compromising the neck 🧐 ML 1 like
the1911guy Couldn't you just step it up w a couple expander balls first, so you at least have the mouth large enough to fit the right sized bullet? Then fire form. Probably get better results this way.
  -  laruetactical @the1911guy ... Back in the late 80s/early 90s, when I made 500 Linebaughs out of 348 cases ... you cut them off, then straightened the outside walls, then neck reamed to a certain depth and Shazam, I had Linebaughs.
  -  the1911guy @laruetactical 500 Linebaugh must be quite the round. I have a 475 and it's a handful with full power loads. 1 like
daddyscott2001 How about a fixture to cut the empty case off at the shoulder (kind of like making blackout from 556)? If I look at the print correctly that would be a long enough case. Not sure what does you would use to finish forming the case. But you should have a mountain of empty 308 lying around! Wouldn't be burning through primers and powder to form cases that way either!!
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... Great minds. I was busy trying to see to type when you posted. 1 like
  -  daddyscott2001 @laruetactical 45 win mag does should fit the bill. Case length looks like it checks the boxes of what you earlier posted and I think it's based off 308 parent case?
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... 💃💃💃 Hope you're right !!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... https://americangunfacts.com/45-win-mag/ 1 like
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... The 45WinMag a smidge off on the rim and groove ... likely not a 308 case. I'm pushing on with the 1.800 long .458 case u s 1 like
  -  daddyscott2001 @laruetactical looking at the 51sr Lyman book. The 460 S&W magnum shows a case diameter of .478 with a .452 bore diameter and 1.8 case length. A set of those does with a .308 shell holder should get you where you're looking to go?!?!
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... Gonna take a look 1 like
  -  daddyscott2001 @laruetactical well........what found you - oh mad scientist??!?!?!?
whitefang721 Might work. I think the hunting laws for the wacky states are that they have to be straight walled as loaded. Non-sensical.
  -  laruetactical @whitefang721 ... We're fire forming straight-walled cases at the range ...
  -  whitefang721 @laruetactical What would the bullet be?
  -  laruetactical @whitefang721 ... You tell me. From the print, looks like maybe a 458 🤷
trg1986 I would not, a catridge is designed for a specific reason.
  -  okie_gunslinger @trg1986 and very large number of loadings have come about from experimentation like ML is talking about. .300blk or every Ackley improved cartridge ever for example