This old spark plug shows exactly how EDMs were discovered years ago. See the gap needing reset ? Auto guys were analyzing the degradation of spark plugs and Bam ! we have EDMs now :-) ML
383 likesj_frank24_ I hope the ones in the Navion look better.
  -  laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... Was hiking in Burnet County, looked down and there it was in a dry wash. ML 4 likes
9mmp Thanks for sharing the knowledge! 👍
stillsaltyaf_ Wow. Cool.
81tactical Electronic Dance Music?😐 5 likes
81tactical lol jk 2 likes
sunnyd307 I work with edms daily, super cool machines. However it's a lot of effort to keeps them running efficiently. 2 likes
46wlf46 So if I cram some aluminum in the spark plug holes of my wife's car I will get gun parts? This is awesome!! 4 likes
mr._grapejuice We use edm to make turbine parts. Cool machines ran by programs
lowell55 EDM's.. ?? Sorry to be so stupid.. ? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @lowell55 ... no worries. Electrical Discharge Machining - computer controlled lightning - ML 4 likes
  -  lowell55 @laruetactical Thank You
briansels What kind of edm machines yall run? I get stuck running three old Brother hs70's and its not the most fun thing in the shop. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @briansels ... You made me laugh. I had several mid-90s Brothers making 1911 stuff in the ... 90s - ML 2 likes
phil.thompson.140 Yep! Just replaced my massive plugs on the Bonanza. 500 hrs turned the round electrodes into footballs.
realmda13 ML- still locked. Can you put in a good word? Keep up with the posts, I gotta get my fix in somehow!
jn_kelso I can still watch one run for hours. But I do miss seeing the old school tool and die making.
d.w.jones Cleaned a lot of spark plugs in my day.