... Self-explanatory - ML
711 likesstevenmcclay6921 Needs Moar chili but I would swap places right now
dankozubal Any plans for a 6mm ARC in the future?
  -  whitefang721 @dankozubal What does 6mm ARC do that Grendel doesn't? 1 like
  -  jollygreen182 @erratik_eagle 2 mils less drop at 1000 yards 1 like
arnt.myhre Everything is better with bacon! Even LaRue carbines! 1 like
thecodystone Guns and bacon is the most American thing ever. 1 like
jtac_tard Bacon and Guns y'all hiring ?
longrangechile 👏👏👏👏👏
kodiak_precision Eat now , shoot later....
miggidymurph If the can doesn't work as advertised that breakfast is gonna taste like CLP and burnt powder
longrangesurfer Taco shack. Breakfast bowl. Get some.
thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical breakfast bowl from Taco Shack in CP?
  -  laruetactical @thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow ... Yep, sausage and egg, with double bacon. 1 like
flagsunlimited Looks like a fun day
458_socalm Anyone can do bed n breakfast, LEAD n breakfast is where it's at! 2 likes
cjs10mm I see that fancy new RISR
dura_mag Nice!
joeythec02 Tried calling the shop several times today and every time I hit #2 for the sales department it hung up on me.... not sure what's going on there sir
  -  laruetactical @joeythec02 ... Everyone here is bustin' azz racing for the hole in the ECR dike - ECR 2020 Gun Rush ... 1.) Election 2.) Covid 3.) Riots 2 likes
  -  joeythec02 @laruetactical totally understand sir I was just letting u know u have a phone issue going on.... I can't imagine how busy you and ur team are right now.
mikeorourke77 I'm on backorder since April for a MBT 2s, Tactical Polymer Combo Pkg, TacOps charging handle, and LaRue Tactical TAC. Of all that swag- which item is holding up the order? I'm gettin' itchy, man!!!!! 😍🔥😍
twojsdad @laruetactical My 7.62 lower shipped in just over two weeks - you guys are killing it over there, thanks to the team for the hard work!
dustyel74 I'm hungry...
bowersoxseth 👏
_eddievega I can tell you out your rifles to GOOD use 🤩