... Re: 2nd Amendment ... How quickly everything you've done gets forgotten, or turns out they never really noticed. Oh well, I'll get back to shoveling the rolls of 100s further into the gold lined vault 🤪 ML
1,001 likesmistabrazil How many of your rifles have been sold to agencies who are/will be enforcing draconian gun laws? 10 likes
  -  stillten8 @mistabrazil or will be defending you when the time comes 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @mistabrazil ... I donate more rifles to agencies than I sell, that is if you want to call Edwards County Texas an "agency"😎 14 likes
  -  icecoldmn @mistabrazil loose the tin foil, Larue is a stand up company and does way more for the 2nd than you. 2 likes
  -  trukwilliam @mistabrazil stop fetishizing a civil war. LE is still an ally to 2A, by and large. Look at what happened in VA back in 2019. Cops were a hard line defense to what they were trying to do
  -  458lottfan @trukwilliam After what we all witnessed during Hurricane Katrina. It is hardly a fetish to think LE will enforce gun grabs. Particularly in blue states and large cities. 1 like
  -  mistabrazil @trukwilliam like others said. The LE response after Hurricane Katrina. You've also got top LE officials across the country calling for gun bans because they are "out gunned."
"two key groups - the International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of Police - issued a joint letter pushing for legislative action. The groups reiterated their support on Sunday for gun control legislation when they praised an agreement between senators on a framework for a gun bill."
Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams, who is president of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, a group that represents police chiefs in large cities around the country, told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "We do believe that there should be a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in order for us to properly serve and protect our community."
"The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a prominent law enforcement think tank, is calling for a ban on assault weapons as part of a comprehensive approach to counter gun violence"
Is it so much of a stretch to think that if they publicly announce supporting measures to ban guns, that they would also support enforcing those? 2 likes
  -  d.a.barrett307 @mistabrazil weak comment
blackhawk8806 Aero precision should have moved out of Washington State in 2008. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @blackhawk8806 ... I'm sure that's true given what little you know. 4 likes
shotforceprotargets Pissed is an understatement!! I'm getting really,really tired of this crap and no one is being held accountable!!!
  -  laruetactical @shotforceprotargets ... Pissed at who about what ? 1 like
  -  shotforceprotargetse @laruetactical wasn't towards you, in general with the gun hating humans never being held accountable for the way people in the gun industry are being discriminated against!as well as making a profit I've donated and cut rates to LE, Rangers etc. Your good buddy is a great help to me Rick P. And I have shot many rounds through your rifles with him!
nye_county_armory_gunsmith What's the name Larue worth? In my eyes a lot, it's quality triggers that I can buy for 1/2 of the Geissele brand yet give my customers a fantastic trigger for our builds. I would love to get a lower, but not in the cards at this time. Thank you for all you and your crew do Mark. 2 likes
drfergus Your stuff is expensive, but great quality. I walk into my shop and look at my 60 year old lathe and mill and get the thought of making my own parts, then I think of all the hours it would take me, and the thousands of dollars I would spend in specialty tooling. With 3 young kids, my time is valuable, so I have no issues buying good quality parts. 10 likes
  -  nick_sperlein @drfergus 100% 👏
notolaf13 I can't figure out how certain items are priced so low. Your guiding principles are a big part of why Larue is a preferred manufacturer in my eyes. 2 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @notolaf13 they are called loss leaders. 1 like
longrangecustoms Military contracts are pretty profitable
icecoldmn Most of the clowns bitching about pricing can't budget their paychecks let alone comprehend what the monthly cost to keep your doors open are. Carry on mark doing what you do making the most accurate ar's on the market
salty_bob_actual Someone once told me if you wanna leave the gun business with a million dollars, start with two million then bail when the first is gone.
68revolver My bad. Thank you Mark!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @68revolver ... No worries, I knew what you meant u s 1 like
stukahuna Hey Mark, just wanted to personally inform you that your Gulfstream G650 ER is ready for pickup. The ostrich skin upholstery turned out beautiful. 24 likes
  -  laruetactical @stukahuna ... 😂😂😂 8 likes
  -  nye_county_armory_gunsmith @stukahuna you got the Gold faucets too ? Joking aside I worked for a guy who owned the G4 that belonged to King zJordan of Aman, it had gold faucets. 2 likes
tylerbronson1216 Idk y'all make great rifles at a great price. What to complain about lmao
mike_czyk Such an evil guy for essentially giving away top tier gear. ALMOST as good of a deal as those $700 match grade uppers. You're doing the lords work, Mark.
ahaley1775 While it may be painful to the wallet everything I've ever got from LaRue has been 100% worth it.
hatchhilliard I'm mad too! @laruetactical But mad at myself, for missing the boat on the lower sale, feel like a real dolt. I'll catch the next one. Keep it up sir, still love the "Make 1,000 yard hits" billboard in Chappell Hill. 1 like
harubindanny At SHOT 2012 when we went to dinner, I remember asking you "How do you make a profitable gun company?" Your exact words were "Know how to make a million bucks in the firearm industry? Spend 3." 😂 1 like
war_in_the_water Oh my God, how dare you make a profit running a business. The audacity! 😂 9 likes
stillten8 Dumping all that complete lower inventory this week proves your point.
duke_kaleb You're doing the lords work Mark don't let's the haters get to ya they're just mad you're actually doing something worthwhile!!! 7 likes
  -  lkcrome @duke_kaleb 👊 1 like
sanddart93 Most dont realize the overhead in the firearms industry is high and profit margins really are very low. 1 like
chsawyer1605 As a former gun dealer I feel your pain, the internet gun sellers killed what little profit there was in this business! 3 likes
  -  grant56767 @chsawyer1605 Houston gun shows 12 years ago or so were amazing mix of collectors selling interesting pieces and well priced large dealers ... the internet killed them and now they are gone .
  -  chsawyer1605 @(null) buds gun shop and grab a gun were some of the worst offenders, at one time I wouldn't take their transfers
68revolver Thank you Mike for all you and Larue do for us, the patriots. 1 like
evlgreg The richest Gun Company executive couldn't afford the taxes on ONE of Michael Bloomberg's houses. 4 likes
ccmac_osu Quit worrying about the haters and go mail me my $200 lowers
spencer_cupit Make as much profit as you can... just mean more awesome gear is made-to-order I can buy
bob_ricigliano Not to mention all the research and design that you put into making the most accurate rifle even before selling them
charles_helm :) 4 likes
  -  charles_helm @charles_helm Mental image of you in the vault. I can only hope you make enough to keep making the best. 2 likes
realwestern_ You're selling top tier complete lowers for $200. You Villian! 1 like