... Took longer to sort out the process than we thought ... got 30 of 'em onto the UPS Truck. Birthday Vang, you're good 😎 ML
244 likeslongrangesurfer They come framed?! 🔥🔥 1 like
  -  laruetactical @longrangesurfer ... Yes 3 likes
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical I'm happy to come pick mine up to save you the shipping charges. I'm right down the street. 🤷
  -  laruetactical @longrangesurfer ... It's leaning against the dumpster ... oh wait, you already came and got it. 😎
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical if I see a homeless person with it I'll be sure to reclaim it.
vangc83 My boy is gonna love it!! Thank you again, Mark! Never cease to amaze me! 6 likes
  -  kyle.hendrickson12 That's customer service! Glad he got yours done for your son.🙌 1 like
  -  vangc83 @kyle.hendrickson12, a lot of people talk crap about Mark, but I've had some great experience with him personally and LaRue Tactical as a whole; I can't complain at all. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @vangc83 ... Aw hell, my capacity for suffering fools has fallen off, and when fools figure that out, they realize they self-indicted themselves 😎🤷😎 2 likes
icecoldmn Looking good I'm guessing you will run out of frames before orders 😂
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Naw, I wiped out "Michael's" 😎 4 likes
ranrey58 Ok try again. I ordered a Siete yesterday. Then i begin seeing these cool poster prints of the Siete on IG so i went to the Larue store to purchase one but they are not there. I then find out after the fact in reading IG comments that they will automatically send one to people ordering the Siete. Then i find out that it comes framed at no extra charge. How cool is this! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ranrey58 ... We're modifying the Siete page on our website to alleviate your issues 💯 1 like
  -  ranrey58 @laruetactical Oh no issues from me. Nice surprises are fun. Thank you.
duckhnt @laruetactical fingers crossed you will let me have one of these as the first order of the walnut stock Siete!
stukahuna Rick perry is wearing a LaRue polo on Newsmax rn 3 likes
connelldad 👍