... Ugh, I found this on a wall in my facility. You need an E6B or a slide ruler to know whether you're downsized enough. ML
546 likesse_footey So now its 15? In NJ?????? I have like 20 of em at my dads in Montana... legal to ship now?
e_footey Im so over following these unconstitutional laws. And btw thanks for the meat rub and mini constitution in my order. Loved it
nathandyoung76 Ohio changed their 30 round limit law years ago. The day it did I got a Magpul D-60 drum mag, 40 round pmags, and 33 round Glock mags.
erasmology Good list of places to avoid moving to if possible 😂
phawk937 @laruetactical this is false. We have 40rd mags, 60rd 90rd 100rd drums in Ohio 1 like
map325 CO is 15, NJ is 10.
hardpark_86 i live im ny and there is no 7 round mag law. its 10 rounds across the entire state.
gsdpanzer Needs updating. Ohio no longer has restrictions
bost0215 I wonder if thats supposed to be Franklin Park IL. Thats my home town.
billbee235 Funny thing is I live in Chicago and can walk into the 1 gun store that's in the city and buy 30 round mags or whatever. Can't wait to leave this shit city 🤬
constantloads Glad im not in them states
cupcakesmooches Sure glad we're in Texas
madunn83 I just drove from Georgia to New Jersey for a funeral. I had to go unarmed because NJ and NY don't believe I have the right to defend myself.
thereal_d.amendola Free men do not ask permission.
justaguy217 Bro Colorado is 15. I was just there
richman6972 So basically NY wants everyone to carry officer sized 1911's? Bigots!
instructorbrian Can a person in say, CT, just yell reload after the 10th shot? Asking for a friend. 😂
jofizzm I grew up in Aurora, Illinois. Never would have guessed there was a mag restriction with the volume of gunfire that could be heard on summer nights.
chris.bush01 All of that is unconstitutional!
chris.bush01 Come to Idaho, you can get a beta mag at cabelas!...lol
jochumtj I feel this pain.
kinbrc How the Fu"k does Chicago get 12 over our Komifornia 10😮
bachquist Colorado is 15 rounds for new mags and you can possess higher round mags. They sell 30 rounds mags at most gun shops as a kit. They just remove the bottom plate and spring and you have to reassemble it.
hbdssnake States you do not sell to?
lifted_adventures_ @kenstaroni Colorado
djk91lx Wife want to move to Colorado from SoCal that's a big hell no. I'm not moving to another restricted state.
chuckdtx Yo Illinois make up your mind
flynfood Mark, bravo sir, not just on making amazing rifles, but also being a real pilot and knowing what an E6B is. You've got my business.
808militia Hawai'i is 10 for pistols 1 like
46wlf46 I love how south bend is in the list. Every gun store in the area is one street out side.
dick.that.shoots I'm sure all of the gangbangers in Chicago are abiding by those capacity limits. 🙄🙄🙄 1 like
xm0244 As mentioned above, so below; Thats not accurate. Ban them states anyways.
dryfirecook South bend one hasn't been valid in years
mlnorth.oh The Ohio limit is long gone. 1 like
da_wong1 HI 🤙🤦
practical_armoury Meanwhile the property market in OH is on the up
morgan300blk You can sell +30 rounders in Ohio, we just need a worthless permit to possess. The permits are kept in the same circular file as NFA LEO notifications. 2 likes
  -  nathandyoung76 @morgan300blk that is not true anymore the law changed in 2015 2 likes
  -  j.r.wells574359 @nathandyoung76 correct! 1 like
tacfucius It isn't any better but NY is at 10 now as of April 2014 (I think that year)
tsreiter10 No longer applies to Shit Bend Indiana.
torchytt 🎉
miyamoto_holliday Its 15 in Colorado. Also no one cares. I bought a 40 rounder, not a rebuild kit, yesterday. 3 likes
  -  plugwach @static_line_approach working at a sportsmans warehouse in wyoming we have to sell guns to them with mags abiding by their laws and then we see them just grab other magazines on the way out sometimes its such a joke 1 like
  -  miyamoto_holliday @plugwach #westernstatesgang
20and6 @laruetactical pretty sure Colorado is 15 not 10. 1 like
raknick187 CO is 15. 1 like
a3addon New Jersey is 10rds for well over a year now. 2 likes
purveyor_of_boom Colorado is 15... 1 like
boundforcory Colorado magazine restriction is only 15. And nobody has ever followed it from day one.
hoffy9797 VT is on the list now too: 10 rifle, 15 pistol... :(
gr8abini New York is back up to 10 via a decree by a judge, never challenged and the law still says 7. I live in a pro 2A county at least.
ill_gottengainz Either way it's unconstitutional
nolanquinn22 you can ship anything to NY if its dissassembled
justadad1540 No longer limited to 30 in Ohio. 15 likes
qoreperformance Way to be consistent IL...#WhereNotToLive u s 2 likes
  -  dan_the_2a_man @qoreperformance yes I hate Illinois but luckily I live in the lower half of the state so I can have any size I want. Chicago and it's Democrat's are the reason.
aussiedogs4life I dont think we here in Ohio have a 30 round cap. I can go up and buy 60 round drums at my local shop/range! 2 likes
  -  nathandyoung76 @aussiedogs4life it changed about 5 years ago, no longer that 30 round limit 2 likes
flatlander03 Sucks to be on this list. Good old Mayor Pete! Ugh. 1 like
thecodystone God bless the great state of Texas!!! 1 like
andrew.meriwether @laruetactical E6B 😂😂🙌🏽🙌🏽🛩🤓 Unless your an aviation guy most people won't get that lol
j.r.wells574359 Ohio isn't 30 any longer. We're free 3 likes
morgan300blk You can sell +30 rounders in Ohio, we just need a worthless permit to possess. The permits are kept in the same circular file as NFA LEO notifications.
mac_daddy62 All democrat run cities and states😂
tacticalrussian NJ is now 10
bad_rockets 3 people know what an E6B is. 1 like
usmcsean53 There is no magazine limit law in Ohio. 1 like
richdrick Nj is now 10
pav56c NJ is now 10
666f72657374 10 in NJ now.
jsrickard I thought the 9th district court ruled magazine maximums were unconstitutional? 2 likes
  -  keiththats_it @jsrickard they went back and did a emergency thing again somehow doesn't matter what their ruling is now
  -  tcco5 @jsrickard went back un banc
mulluthuntur Colorado's level of infringement is actually 15 rounds. 10 likes
  -  getmemarlowe @mulluthuntur They are all idiotic, but Colorado is the one that baffles me the most. Such a shame. 1 like
  -  miyamoto_holliday @getmemarlowe I can go buy a glock happy stuck right now in Denver. The law is basically unenforceable 1 like
  -  getmemarlowe @static_line_approach 👍👍 1 like
craiger72 NY is 10 @laruetactical
levi.maldonado Co is 15 but we still get what we need! 2 likes
tomasnumerouno You can use this as a quick reference where not to live and the areas best for revolution 1 like
mosin_gunner7.62x54r It's stupid bc we can own any capacity mag in MD, we just cant acquire them inside the state 2 likes
pathfinder1776 None of those laws are technically valid...
kevinmichael_67 That 7 in NY no longer applies. It's 10. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin ... They couldn't abide prime numbers ? 14 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @laruetactical apparently a federal judge deemed that prime number arbitrary. 2 likes
  -  fdmarshal @gt500kevin technically only if you live in western NY.
  -  kevinmichael_67 @fdmarshal read the magazine section here: https://safeact.ny.gov/resources-gun-owners#magazines 1 like
  -  fdmarshal @gt500kevin no mention of penal law section 265 which states no magazines with more than 7 rounds.
  -  inspectorgadgetusaf @fdmarshal I was in the NYC area recently and was told ten round mags by a NYPD firearms guy.
  -  shqype_ @laruetactical NY can't abide math, so prime numbers are a no-no. 10 round magazines are legal in NY.
  -  kevinmichael_67 @fdmarshal 23. "Large capacity ammunition feeding device" means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, that (a) has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition, or (b) [Suspended and not effective, pursuant to L.2013, c. 57, pt. FF, 4, eff. March 29, 2013, deemed eff. Jan. 15, 2013 .] contains more than seven rounds of ammunition, or (c) [Suspended and not effective, pursuant to L.2013, c. 57, pt. FF, ยง 4, eff. March 29, 2013, deemed eff. Jan. 15, 2013 .] is obtained after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which amended this subdivision and has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than seven rounds of ammunition; provided, however, that such term does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition or a feeding device that is a curio or relic. A feeding device that is a curio or relic is defined as a device that (i) was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, (ii) is only capable of being used exclusively in a firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof, (iii) is possessed by an individual who is not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm and (iv) is registered with the division of state police pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter, except such feeding devices transferred into the state may be registered at any time, provided they are registered within thirty days of their transfer into the state. Notwithstanding paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of this section, such feeding devices may be transferred provided that such transfer shall be subject to the provisions of section 400.03 of this chapter including the check required to be conducted pursuant to such section.
  -  jersey_harley_rider @laruetactical NJ is 10 as well.
milk_tea_boba_drink Hawaii is 10rds for pistol mags only.
nj.jt.rangetime Sorry to say NJ is down to 10. I hope the CA judgment can change some that chart. 1 like
trinidad_1301 California is the worst tho
john_ullman_physique Ny isnt 7