... I was eating a cookie in the shower when I realized a 16" barrel has merit ... 😎
545 likesmotocycleman12 And why do I not have one of these in my shower?
  -  laruetactical @motocycleman12 ... Lack of paranoia 🤷 3 likes
neomonk21 What length is that in the picture? 22"?
  -  laruetactical @neomonk21 ... Yes, it's that same 22" 260 featured in the accuracy posts last few days 2 likes
murdock_mcinnis Will these all come standard with a folding stock?
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... Starting to think so. Turns out not every has a surfboard / snow-ski rack. 🤷 2 likes
  -  murdock_mcinnis @laruetactical very cool, thank you 👍 1 like
  -  elliotsmith222 @murdock_mcinnis No, thank you
skipmoratzka You making a folding barrel like tge FoldAR now?
  -  laruetactical @skipmoratzka ... Uh no. This is my LaRue Quik-Switch barrel.
meidamx06 Is that in the shower?
  -  laruetactical @meidamx06 ... Yep 😎 2 likes
samuel.culper_sr Ahh yes... I remember shower cookie. Damn ... I'm not quite sure how that makes me feel about myself😮 2 likes
charliesclones "I love my rifle so much, I took a shower her 😍". ML, you are building anticipation, for sure 🤪 1 like
realwarthog71 Good taste. I've got the same tile on the walls👍
patrick.a.johnson314 Shower beer is a better idea. My credit card is READY! 1 like
kevin.mcglothlin.078 Yes I like the 16in .308 idea with a longer 6.5 2 likes
daveyelverton So I lose a little velocity but dang it's packable.
_schrambo_ What the price point?
800mzero Damnit I want one!
r.bett These youngsters probably don't know about shower cookie yet. Better hold off on the FUAROCK laser engraving for your production run.
third_coast_thermal Shoe
c.j.g13 Beauttttifullllll
lancegilason Stealth barrel profile? 1 like
pewpewvette You kill me sometimes Mark, lmfao
justin_102179 🙌🙌🙌🔥
mikemod12mod0 What the hell?
lmikem99 Is that the 2.5x8 mk4 scope? I'm looking for a scope to put on my 16" larue 308. Considering this or NF 2.5x10. Any suggestions. Hunting to 300m.