... Note to self - figure out how to do multiple photos in a post - ML
536 likescsolstice032018 🔥
jonwarall Just tap on "select multiple" and then tap on all the photos you want to post! Also, make any progress on the EDM magwell paperweights?
- knckls_up @jonwarall can you post photos in comments?
- jonwarall @geel_tea no sir. 1 like
def3va Right most button in the bottom right of the pic (looks like one page stacked on top) of others. That's the multiple pics button.
realmda13 Can you ask mgmt to let me back into your sub-forum? 😂 I said I'd behave, but Ed won't return my email.
mikenotgonnagetit Will these work in a Remington 700?? I'll buy one for my 308 700 in a heart beat
frankt76 What calibers are you doing in the bolt gun?
458_socalm @laruetactical when you're about to upload that 1st pic to instagram, the icon all the way on the right that looks like a stack of papers, click that and then it lets you choose multiple pics per post. (iphone)
gunscompanyarm 🙏Kpacota
scott.mullen73 Looks like maybe the Siete is getting closer to shipping???
joelalbertomunoz Wat is this