... Labor Day Blowout !! ... Somebody was primed and ready and we caught UPS in time for 1 hour shipping 💃u s 💃 1st lower order is out the door 😎 ML
1,423 likesjojosoninsta Sucks to even have to ask this but will you guys ship to a FFL in CA.....?
  -  ahaley1775 @jojosoninsta The only way to get them in CA is if they're stripped lowers. Maybe call the shop tomorrow and see if they'll do it that way for you. 1 like
  -  jojosoninsta @ahaley1775 that's kind of what I was thinking, if it can be sent stripped or if my local shop can strip it "make compliant" on their end 🤷
  -  ahaley1775 @jojosoninsta That should work. If your FFL can pull the stock and grip to do the transfer. They shouldn't have to remove the buffer tube. For the price it's definitely worth a couple phone calls. 1 like
  -  richlogrt @jojosoninsta there should be no reason they cannot. A lower is just a part it's not a complete firearm. It's your responsibility to follow state laws when making it into a complete firearm. 1 like
  -  wiley.mark @richlogrt That's a logical and reasonable point. CA, however, is neither of those 2 likes
  -  jojosoninsta @richlogrt you're not wrong, but some manufacturers have chosen to be completely hands off and not shit to CA regardless. Geissele wouldn't even ship a stripped lower.... 1 like
  -  jojosoninsta @wiley.mark update. Larue wouldn't ship it. (Out of stock now regardless)
  -  jojosoninsta @ahaley1775 update. Larue wouldn't ship it. (Out of stock now regardless) 1 like
  -  wiley.mark @jojosoninsta you'd need a compliance ffl to use as a middle-man in a free state. That's how we got Larues when I worked at a shop years ago. There's always next time
  -  jojosoninsta @wiley.mark better yet we'd need to put Miller V Bonta to bed finally and set some precedent 2 likes
  -  wiley.mark @jojosoninsta Ah, a hopeful. Well, good luck 1 like
  -  ahaley1775 @jojosoninsta Bummer, when LaRue has a sale you gotta act fast because the sale won't be around very long.
  -  jojosoninsta @ahaley1775 well yeah but they still weren't going to ship to my local ffl 🤷
  -  heyits_idk @ahaley1775 there is nothing illegal or "assault weapon-y" about sending a complete lower to California, even with a stock. Larue is just too retarded to understand and doesn't care to help us behind enemy lines. 4 likes
  -  jojosoninsta @heyits_idk well, to be fair, our lovely judicial system opens up manufacturers to all kinds of legal liabilities when these unconstitutional laws are tolerated/supported instead of being immediately struck down....
fullthrottlecpa I'm having a hard time hiding all this crap in my basement without my wife knowing 17 likes
aaronedwards843 I need a stripped ar-10 upper😢
  -  0_null_value @aaronedwards843 they have the 308 lowers for 300$ seems like a killer deal
  -  aaronedwards843 Yes I have one I need an upper
  -  matt_c_era @aaronedwards843 check primary arms. 3 likes
  -  aaronedwards843 @matt_c_era I know I m thinking of just sucking it up and buying a complete upper and changing out the barrel to a shorty.
wormraper holy crap. I saw the email and thought the $200 price tag was for stripped lowers. I just realized that they were fully assembled complete lowers and went scrabbling to my PC to order 3 of them!!
  -  laruetactical @wormraper ... Glad that was a little confusing, else wise our servers would've crashed 😎
unopposable_thumbs Are there any left? Website shows none found 😢 my larue upper is begging for a worthy mate 🤞
  -  unopposable_thumbs @unopposable_thumbs disregard the comment - just ordered. It the link in your link tree is not working Mark! @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @unopposable_thumbs ... I'm not one of my drunken I.T. guys 😎 3 likes
divingdriver LaRue club rule. Snooze you lose 😂🤣 Thanks Mark, grabbed one👍 2 likes
longrangesurfer Go boys go!! Mine is going local! 2 likes
matt_c_era Right before a PCS and I haven't gotten my advance 😭 1 like
  -  matt_c_era @matt_c_era fuck it. In for 1 to match my MGU. Looks like I'll be selling some stuff on GAFS lol
drewster_001_ Bummed I haven't left Washington yet. Maybe next year I'll be able to grab some more 😉
thedrew852 Lowers ordered!! Let's go!! 2 likes
300blackout_ That really stinks! I placed my order and got the Sold Out message. 1 like
ryanhoegner 1 of each ordered 3 likes
jtwendel02 Yes! I have been waiting for this day. 1 like
watches_n_things I hate NJ. May have to call the shop
  -  jhsnyder85 @watches_n_things should be able to ship to NJ if the receiving FFL can/will receive the lower and pin the stock
perez2021juan The website is gonna catch fire man!!!!!!!! 1 like
scumcity Ordered 🙌 1 like
ianb_33 Great deal. Send you a message with a question
  -  laruetactical's profile picture @ianb_33 ... Call in tomorrow and hope some are left
  -  ianb_33 @laruetactical will do. Thanks
chewiejj Ordered...always the best quality, heck of a deal...thx! 1 like
0_null_value In for one. Finally to match my upper right before hunting season. 1 like
jwb_2500_official Snagged me ✌ 1 like
matt.phoenix.71 I friggin hate Illinois! 2 likes
cnote8215 Great deal! One of each.... 1 like
icecoldmn Ordered a few for good luck. Never look a gift horse in the mouth 2 likes
kameronallison How many do you have ready to go? That is incredible!
csolstice032018 It's not even Friday yet! Thank you for your generosity. This is a gift! I appreciate it! Christmas in August!
mike_settlemire Gosh dang I was too slow getting to this ughh
bcyz100 Sux....family member had to go and die, so was at a funeral all day while this happened.
ndifilipp Ahh. There needs to be a list where I can see it first and not when it's too late 😂
_js1015_ Do you ship to MA?
beau_daddy19 @laruetactical now do it with your riser mounts please
gunnertwo Ordered mine last night!
weaponeered I need to change my destination FFL. Whats the fastest/ best way to reach yall?
usnhasty I snagged 2 and may have to buy 2 more
bmorejroc Sooo sad I missed this 😩 I pray that come back one day
recon_gladiator Can I just pick it up, I'm local
licketysplit2 Picked 2, 1 for my SUURG delivered today and one for a future build..
its_deep_mint Ordered 1 myself. Hope for semi fast delivery. 👏
jram8383 Ok hold on. I didn't see this until now. Come on It's my birthday.🙏
usingmyrights I tried to order but had website issues and it said to call. I waited to call and they were sold out. Please find one more of each so I can use some of this mandatory hurricane OT money.