... Shocked us too 😎 So much for the weekend after Labor Day u s 😳. There's still plenty more left, but several guys (dealers) ordered a dozen. Reminds me of Shenandoah, the movie, where Jimmy Stewart sat at his large dinner table with all his young'ns "Well, well, well, I got every one of you kids a LaRue lower today." 😎 ML
1,485 likeswillkana I can't find them on the website 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @willkana ... Your search-fu is weak. 42 likes
  -  texannebraskan @willkana https://www.larue.com/category/parts-accessories/lower-parts/lowers/ 6 likes
  -  redacted_1 @laruetactical finding them on the website is like a litmus test. If you can't maybe your too dumb to own one 😆 2 likes
  -  willkana @redacted_1 love internet beta boys. Keep that small dick energy coming. 5 likes
  -  saladoglassworks @willkana 🤡
  -  redacted_1 @willkana I'm not the one who can't use the internet 🤷 btw 5 inches is average. 2 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @texannebraskan says page doesn't exist 🤷
  -  texannebraskan The page is linked on the main LaRue page. It could not be easier to find that it is already.
  -  manning_motorsports @texannebraskan That might, be but your link leads to a page that doesn't exist anymore, for people trying to follow it. 1 like
  -  texannebraskan https://www.larue.com/products/larue-5-56-complete-lower/
  -  texannebraskan https://www.larue.com/category/parts-accessories/lower-parts/lowers/ 1 like
  -  texannebraskan I just went to the page and copied those links
  -  manning_motorsports @texannebraskan you are a gentleman and a scholar
  -  bcarley204 @willkana don't bother they are GONE!
caminini69 Ship to Commiefornia? 🤞 1 like
  -  ahaley1775 @caminini69 Have your FFL pull the stock and grip for "compliance" and you should be GTG. 1 like
  -  caminini69 @ahaley1775 that's if Larue will send them here... 3 likes
  -  ahaley1775 @caminini69 Your other option then would be to call the shop tomorrow and see if they'll send them stripped for you. That's how I got all my LaRue's in CA. 2 likes
  -  ahaley1775 @caminini69 FFL's can make a non-compliant gun compliant. Worst case you make a couple phone calls and are either happy or sad. 🤷 1 like
  -  caminini69 @ahaley1775 I've done similar but at the time they were shipping lowers to ca. I checked on the site and they are not selling complete rifles to ca so I emailed to see if they'd send these lowers. 🤞
  -  caminini69 @ahaley1775 😂, thanks for the support bro, I appreciate it!
  -  ayoyoyoyoyo @ahaley1775 stripped and complete lowers are California legal, regardless of grip and stock. Just a heads up In case anyone else is wondering.. whether stores will ship or not, that's their decision 2 likes
  -  caminini69 @ayoyoyoyoyo Larue emailed me this morning saying unfortunately they would not ship to CA. 1 like
  -  ayoyoyoyoyo @caminini69 I found that out too, but it was sold out before I got a chance to order anyway 1 like
  -  caminini69 @ayoyoyoyoyo bro I was Johnny on the spot when the post went up but unfortunately Ca's lunacy was too much for Larue again.
matt_goroza Hold up what am I missing 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @matt_goroza ... The boat 23 likes
  -  josh_a_turner @laruetactical do the 556 lowers come with a flat faced or curved MBT?
  -  infinitejoker @matt_goroza sale on completed lowers
benjaminlowther Pretty sure that's not what James Stewart said but okay
  -  laruetactical @benjaminlowther ... Well no shit, so put yourself down for 2 Asinine points 10 likes
adamethridge What do I put in the ffl box 1 like
  -  0_null_value @adamethridge address and phone number of your FFL 1 like
  -  aimless223 @adamethridge just put the name. LaRue will send you an email asking for a copy of the ffl 2 likes
  -  adamethridge @aimless223 thanks
  -  0_null_value @aimless223 what if the FFL won't send you the number? They say it cant be shared with me
  -  aimless223 Find another FFL. I haven't heard that in ages. Some old guys are like that. My transfer FFL has their FFL on their website. Go to Bud's and start to buy a gun but don't finish the purchase. They'll list transfer dealers in your area. Gunbroker might also. I don't think these will ship for awhile. You could also ask your FFL to fax or email LaRue ?
  -  0_null_value @aimless223 I did. They never responded. I'm just gonna find someone else
  -  aimless223 There are plenty of transfer dealers these days
  -  adamethridge @aimless223 one phone call my gun shop fixed me right up
  -  aimless223 @adamethridge good!
julian.n212 Was looking at your uppers on PA to match, anymore details on the barrels? I know they're fantastic shooters but curious is CHF, material, etc for longevity. I burn thru a barely a year for the most part
  -  laruetactical @julian.n212 ... Doesn't matter how they are made, you buy another for chump change, screw it on and shoot. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @julian.n212 ... And about the time you think a LaRue barrel is "shot-out", it will be reaching CHF level accuracy 😎
samuel.culper_sr So- do you out the FFL address as the shipping address when ordering these?
  -  daltonlouismcswain @samuel.culper_sr I was wondering the same thing but after I made my purchase, I sent a copy of the FFL to ffl@larue.com along with a clear description of my order number and the name it was under. Hopefully this helps and hopefully I didn't do something wrong haha 1 like
  -  samuel.culper_sr @daltonlouismcswain yeah- hopefully it works out
  -  daltonlouismcswain @samuel.culper_sr I had already attained a photo copy of the FFL and I submitted it to LaRue's website first thing this morning with the link I was provided from my order confirmation. Hopefully the "drunken I.T. guys" don't mind me bombarding them but I don't want any legal issues to arise haha
  -  about.that.knife.life @samuel.culper_sr I always put the FFL info in for shipping, mine for billing, then send in a copy of my guys FFL.
tonycrimando Team I live in Austin TX- can I buy one locally from y'all? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tonycrimando ... Nope, we're not stopping to do shit to give away a lower. 9 likes
  -  matt.gioia @laruetactical what does that even mean 1 like
  -  laruetactical @matt.gioia .. Means you paid scant little attention in your english classes. 1 like
kurthodges_1 I missed my chance to get a Grendel match grade upper at a steal of a price. Here's to hoping you have a blowout sale on them sometime soon. 1 like
  -  bigdawg.308 @kurthodges_1 Primary Arms has them on sale. 2 likes
ryanhoegner 2 headed to Cali 1 like
  -  caminini69 @ryanhoegner hope you get them. I emailed them and they said they wouldn't ship to CA. 😢 2 likes
  -  ryanhoegner @caminini69 mine got cancelled 😂 2 likes
ogbattleworn What if my FFL doesn't provide a copy of their license and says the seller has to contact them to get it??
  -  sst__firearms @ogbattleworn find a new dealer 2 likes
aglovitz Mark you sir are the gentleman's gentleman...fingers crossed waiting for the October Black Friday sale to finish off my all LaRue build. Haha 2 likes
war_in_the_water Thank you for contributing to the million guns a month sold in America goal. Every home in America should have 3 or 13 guns. At least a couple LaRues. 😁 5 likes
ditto_cole Was very much so looking forward to getting this complete lower to pair with my stealth sniper complete upper but missed my opportunity because today was my payday. Dear Mr. LaRue, please make these available again and I'll buy two. Thanks. 1 like
eric.k.shwartz @laruetactical ship to NJ? 1 like
rltw375 Behind enemy lines in WA...😢😢 RLTW375 - The Richardson Family 1 like
4x44ever It's funny—I got the email earlier and deleted it. Then I saw the earlier insta post about it, dug the email out of the trash, and ordered one. 2 likes
beaverheavyactual Stick in a hostile state seeing this make me happy. Buy, buy, buy! 1 like
d.a.barrett307 Uncle Mark - I somehow completely missed this please do it again for Black Friday 🤣 1 like
atxrussell Ordered - who needs a 401k anyways? 4 likes
  -  dantakesthejet @atxrussell This guy is a liberal Democrat! Do NOT arm the liberals! 😂
unobogus Can you sell in Illinois right now?
cag_angry_pirate Curious to know how many are first-time AR buyers. Hopefully at least a few!!
casbon3 Patience has been a pleasant virtue.
fireman4180 What a great deal, Thanks!!!
stevenmcclay6921 👏👏👏👏👏
connor_felton91 I got one 🎉
rocky_griggs I got mine
oklahomatradeco Are you going to sell bare uppers to go with?
class3hero Awesome deal. Thanks Mark. Ordered 4
christiantomyn I can't even order one in my shit state I don't think.
kimberfan Excited to make my Larue upper a complete Larue. Smoking deal!
divingdriver Thanks Mark!
realwestern_ Got my Order in!
realwestern_ My 4th rifle from LaRue. Hesitated on the Siete, but that's a bucket list item
luke_ramsey_nm Just ordered one for every member of my household!! That might also include pets
eric.k.shwartz So they ship to NJ?
sweshooter If I didn't live in WA I would have ordered some!
cwgruenberg No idea what I'm going to build with it but i got one coming lol
mokayakjoe Was hoping to see an update like this. Great stuff
gfivertical 👊u s
ghostmarmot I bought a lower from y'all a few years ago. Perfectly tight fit for the LaRue upper. Might be time to grab another.
samuel.culper_sr Missed em! Dang it
crsabando9 Any plans on having another batch for sale??
flyby1971 Short on funds currently. 😢 It is a smoking deal.
rudyfanrealtor I ordered one, and you guys canceled my order.
jessiecherry33 I snagged one too. Could not resist that INSANE deal!!
icecoldmn Deal of the decade, what's next? How about the mrgg kits?
jgettel92 Any idea for timeframe on the mrgg yet? I'm saving what little pennies I got these days.
landronicss Are there any lowers that will work with yalls 308 upper with the match grade barrel? My order for the lower was flagged and I think I missed it
trofimov584 https://reddit.com/r/CAguns/s/DcHRhIBqB0
briarbfirearms Gonna need you to find a few more stealth uppers now that the lowers I got will be on the way soon 😉