... It slipped my mind 🤷 Those of you that put a deposit down on our 6.5CM Enhanced Siete, will get a signed/dated (by me) framed copy of the Siete's exploded view. It's a place holder for your reloading room while you wait ... 'cause I know you got a reloadin' room 😎 ML
1,113 likesseanwells_ Can I get it left handed ?? 1 like
- laruetactical @seanwells_ ... Some day 2 likes
- seanwells_ @laruetactical can I put the deposit down and wait patiently ?
- laruetactical @seanwells_ ... We're craftsmen, and we hate pressure 🤷 1 like
longrangesurfer So if you took my $950 down payment I get a poster? 1 like
- laruetactical @longrangesurfer ... Yep 💥 4 likes
jasondemo Hey it's Mark Vomund. Great dude! 1 like
gsprague Ordered! Cannot wait 6.5 and 22-250 1 like
danielbeckman7282 Ordered today and yes that framed schematic will fit perfectly between my twin Dillon 550s!! 2 likes
kralynthomas I still can't get in.
- laruetactical @kralynthomas ... The small group of TranQuilo whales got in first ... at 8am tomorrow, the flood gates open 💥Make sure to have your email address updated 💥 ML
- kralynthomas @laruetactical I'm one of the TranQuilo whales x2 but can't get it. Say's coming soon.
- redoak.sooner Log in on the LT website then go back to your email and follow the link again 1 like
- kralynthomas @redoak.sooner those drunken IT guys got me squared away! Thank you. 1 like
- darylbarker65 @laruetactical 8am Eastern or Central
richardado Any eta on the wood one from a tranquilo owner? 1 like
- laruetactical @richardado ... Nope
- lilrieck @laruetactical it won't let me in
- thirtythree_three @lilrieck if you didn't order a tranquilo before, you can get in at 8:00 am 1 like
- redoak.sooner @lilrieck if you got the email and can't get in, go to the LT website and log in, keep that window up and go back to the email and follow the link again. 2 likes
- laruetactical @redoak.sooner ... Thanks Hoss 💪 1 like
- lilrieck @thirtythree_three ahhhh gotcha is it a deposit?
- thirtythree_three @lilrieck Yeah (just checked my card statement). I didn't choose deposit, but they take $950 until they ship it looks like, then they take the balance. 1 like
- lilrieck @thirtythree_three just don't want the wife to kill me.....the honey badger and SP5 was my birthday ha
- thirtythree_three @lilrieck I swear that I could have a very successful gun running business (I take delivery of firearms, deliver to actual recipients who don't want their wives to know for cash + premium) except for those pesky straw purchaser laws. Would work for guitars, too.😂😂😂 1 like
- lilrieck @thirtythree_three i couldn't agree more!!!! I have to do a safe inventory with her for insurance:/
- lilrieck @thirtythree_three wonder how long the wait will be
- laruetactical @lilrieck ... We'll be shipping 20 per day by Nov. 1st 3 likes
- thirtythree_three @lilrieck Me too. I'll just treat it like a tax stamp and forget about it until my FFL calls to let me know it's there. 2 likes
- lilrieck @thirtythree_three luckily im an RP on my buddies FFL
- lilrieck @laruetactical woohoo i have second season elk in the PNW
cardinal_tactical Still haven't noticed pricing. Is it 762 gas gun numbers or......... Less?......
- icecoldmn @cardinal_tactical pricing is live for tranquillo owners. Cheaper than 7.62 gas gun 1 like
breezyclipper Sweet Deal 🔥🔥🔥🔥
charles_helm well i have a tranquilo on order but I can't swim that well...
patrick.a.johnson314 One incoming with the .308 spare!!
patrick.a.johnson314 Sweet!
derek_crash Forget all the other stuff, tell me this comes with dillo dust.
gearheadkittykat Just got the email, looks great!!! I'll place an order if the caliber choices include 300 Win Mag in the future. These should sell very well to the 6.5 crowd!
shotlowe I signed up for the newsletter in February and haven't received any. Even got a confirmation email that I was subscribed. Very bummed to not be getting any!
ragus5333 It's been worth the wait, thanks for the email and I ordered the 22-250 barrel just for grins as I didn't have one suppressed but now I will 😀
jtaylor Well that's an added bonus! Been a long time coming but worth the wait!
kyle.hendrickson12 Mark, how do I get on the list?
- laruetactical @kyle.hendrickson12 ... Look two posts back
- kyle.hendrickson12 @laruetactical thanks sir!
- harubindanny @laruetactical , is that just for the Tranquilo folks, or the rest of us salivating knuckleheads? Put in my order first thing after I got the email this morning, as promised! This rifle is my retirement gift, coming up in June, leaving the Army after 20 years! Couldn't be more psyched! Thanks for everything you guys do, and as always, thanks for Range Day 2012! My OBR is still my most prized possession! 1 like
- laruetactical @harubindanny ... For all pre-orders ... I'm gonna need some new Sharpies 😎 2 likes
- harubindanny @laruetactical I'd love to have your problems!😂 Great to hear, cant wait!
- kyle.hendrickson12 @laruetactical Just placed my order! CHEERS
kylebryant8096 I never got an email and I subscribed under my second company email....
at_the_tip Can't wait to see that damn "Coming Soon" disappear!
icecoldmn Can't be a LaRue whale without one, wish you could have chosen both barrels as I would have preferred 260 and 308, since the tobr I run is a 260 and I'm heavy in ammo. What's up mark why all the 6.5 love now? We all know the 260 is superior 😂 order placed let me know if I can dump the 6.5 barrel by calling in. Can't wait to shoot the bad boy🔥
- laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Hornady's 6.5CM 140 ELD stacks them in my barrels. It assures pleasurable accuracy to the masses. 1 like
- icecoldmn @laruetactical understood, can't wait to try it out,I hope 260 prime stacks them from mine.🔥 but typically your guns are more accurate than I am😂 1 like
mlarue2004 Submitted! I'm excited to run some powder! Okay, just because I'm an attention to detail guy and a little bit of a tight ass....what's a "GunFee"? I don't remember seeing that on my orders in the past?
- icecoldmn @mlarue2004 I think that is what pays Julie's salary? 1 like
- mlarue2004 @icecoldmn 🤣🤣 those Louis's aren't getting any cheaper!
jessehatfield1013 Oh hell yes! Mark, you never cease to amaze. Just like your rifles. Thank you!
ccmac_osu Got the email- Since we are the "chosen" is there another half off tranquilo connected to this?
- laruetactical @ccmac_osu ... No 1 like
- ccmac_osu @laruetactical 😢
daddyscott2001 @laruetactical Tranquilo owner and then some. Have all those emails gone out?
- laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... Look two posts back and add your name to newsletter
- daddyscott2001 @laruetactical have been on there forever!!! Signed back up though. Thanks!!!
- laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... Look in your trash email bin 🤷
- daddyscott2001 @laruetactical looked all over 🤣🤷. I'll keep checking the website 👍
auav8tor @laruetactical just ordered! Whats with the new "Gun Fee"?
- laruetactical @auav8tor ... Not new, it came about a decade ago during one of the gun rushes
- auav8tor @laruetactical Has it always been on? I have bought about 10 guns direct and never noticed it.
adam_pini @laruetactical two great Americans right there! 1 like
lilrieck @laruetactical the framed exploded view copy is worth it alone!!
no_one_home_right_now @laruetactical - Ordered! I hope I got in on the poster! I've been on the most of pre-orders wagon since the OBR. If not I'd be happy to pay for it, would be awesome to hang next to my MFingar poster and the hot towel.
- laruetactical @no_one_home_right_now ... All Siete Pre-orders get the signed-by-me poster u s 1 like
no_one_home_right_now Gahhh. Mark @laruetactical I signed up Many moons ago for siete, but have received an email from ya'll since May 24th. I really would love one of the exploded diagrams ... I checked two post ago, only saw sign up for email, which I did again. Can them Drunken IT guys hit refresh and send up the link... I already said sorry to my wife.
- no_one_home_right_now Pretty please and thank you!