... I said "Dammit guys, I want a Siete with some barrels" ... Did they pick right ? 🧐 ML
336 likesjoseph5myers 22 Creedmoor and a .532 boltface option for the PRC family of cartridges.
  -  laruetactical @joseph5myers ... Is that all it takes, a slightly different bolt face ?
luckiedogze Needs to come as 308 & 22-250 as the 2nd barrel.
  -  icecoldmn @luckiedogz they do if you call in or put it in the notes 1 like
bobjones1885 Forgot the 7-08 😢
  -  laruetactical @bobjones1885 ... Yep
icecoldmn You missed the 17" 308 tactical sniper special. If you had that in there I'd have thought you stopped by my place for the pic.😂 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... And 17" 6.5CM 1 like
michaelseankincaid .338 Federal on the end? Such a delightful cartridge for hunting. 2 likes
defensesolutionsllc Need a Siete 6 ARC !
aj_predatorcontrol Love the 22-250 option!
umkcdds I like the 338 Fed! 2 likes
  -  grouse_brit Absolutely
princeominnows A proper 6 pack👍
hank_loves_guns 8.6BLK that would be sexy! 1 like
gunner_texas_03 Sweet
handloadsandholdovers Any plans for .223Rem?