... You TranQ owners are gonna like this 😎
1,473 likesdanielmachen762 Quick change barrel? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @danielmachen762 ... Yeppers. Very quick. Can be easily changed/assembled in the field. 6 likes
andrewjones8373 $$? I don't have a government budget, I suppose o could get a HELC. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @andrewjones8373 ... Student loans are your best best to accuracy 14 likes
jkub81 If I could only stop spending money on the jeep!
  -  laruetactical @jkub81 ... 100 years from now, there will be a nut bustin' gorgeous 80 year old Siete, that has steel in it melted from your Jeep that's eatin' you alive today 😎 3 likes
458_socalm is it wishful thinking to think that picture implies that MLOK handgaurd will fit on my PredatOBR?
  -  laruetactical @458_socalm ... Is your tOBR a small block ? 2 likes
  -  458_socalm @laruetactical if that means the shorter 5.56 sized yes.
csolstice032018 BuildAR's to the front of the line! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @csolstice032018 ... All 3 of ya ? 4 likes
  -  csolstice032018 @laruetactical #NOT A QUITTER
  -  redoak.sooner @csolstice032018 hell I ain't quit it neither 😂
charles_helm I will once i get my hands on them. 1 like
dromo07 Oh my... 2 likes
mlarue2004 Any chance that 2 barrel set is a .308 / 6.5? If so my deposit will be on its way Monday morning!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mlarue2004 ... It's a 6.5CM, and you can chose a 2nd barrel from this list ... 260Rem, 308Win, 338Fed, 22-250, and 243Win, with more to be added down the pike. 3 likes
  -  mlarue2004 @laruetactical awesome! I just tried to get in line for the build online and it says Coming Soon. I'll call tomorrow morning to place the deposit! Thanks for the great products. It's putting smiles on our faces and meat on the table.
  -  laruetactical @mlarue2004 ... Don't call, wait for the Team Mail
  -  laruetactical @mlarue2004 ... Sign up for "LaRue Team Mail" on front page of LaRue.com
  -  mlarue2004 @laruetactical how am I not on it already??😂 In the last 2 years I've bought 2 Rifles, 2 Uppers, and 2 Tranquillos! Sounds like I need to ask more questions in the future. I'll sign up tonight!
  -  laruetactical @mlarue2004 ... We can't sign you up, something something FCC
andy.chavers Ready and waiting !! 1 like
mosin_gunner7.62x54r I'll be honest with you Mark, that's a pretty good looking piece of kit 2 likes
sn_chrisbrooks 😍 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Own one here! Should I expect an email...soon? 2 likes
7fabracing 🙌🙌🔥🔥👏🔥 1 like
lord_of_the_peons Bill when it ships or bill when you order ? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @lord_of_the_peons ... Deposit with order to cut tire kickers out of the picture. 4 likes
  -  lord_of_the_peons @laruetactical good . Thanks . I've had 2 kids and got promoted twice since the beginning of all of this . 6.5 creedmoor for ez flexing on the flat range
bchinb3 Is there a target price set?
  -  laruetactical @bchinb3 ... Ye$ 3 likes
daniel_a_urena 8.6? 1 like
  -  dantakesthejet @daniel_a_urena Only during pride month.
radiac_svcs Sir, can you please make this picture available as a wallpaper download? Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @radiac_svcs ... I will when my I.T. guys get out of rehab again. 13 likes
  -  nm156v2 @laruetactical 😂😂 1 like
reagan.porsches.and.guns Q has the best ideas. Great to see so many copying them nowadays to get this stuff out there. 👏
  -  laruetactical @reagan.porsches.and.guns ... Ha, we delivered CSRs* to the military long before Q copied my nickname Brad Thor gave me in his tactical novels. And the Siete was publicized before Q came up with "Q" 😎*Concealable Sniper Rifles 1 like
kodiak_precision Siete barrels are looking ready for work with the Tranquilo.
franzhaze .300 blackout? 1 like
ty.p.buchanan Beautiful 1 like
icecoldmn I'm still in, but I was in front because I'm also a tranquillo owner. I make it hard on mark to avoid mencause im on most if not all his lists. 😂
omd3100 When ? How much? 3 likes
w.a.frederiksen @laruetactical please please please make this in LH 2 likes
gospencer1 @laruetactical I'm in Mark! Early adopter!
jamie.lamar How do I order @laruetactical? I don't see@it on the site. 1 like
gusgonzalez @tejasprecision
tylerjcoco Ok so how do you purchase a siete ? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @tylerjcoco ... You'll need to be signed up for our rare newsletters 3 likes
lozanojacob58 @laruetactical lmfao 🤣 they truly best is made in Texas I'll be waiting guys can't wait 😜 🙌 1 like
tonyyyhuynh Just sent you guys a DM with a couple questions! @laruetactical
__marcus___01 Okay but when??? 3 likes
wp_art You should be ashamed for putting pornography like this on the Internet lol🧡 1 like
sommere.54 @laruetactical I have to assume the 338 Fed is a no go through the TQ?
tanium1972 What's the price?
icecoldmn Will the torque wrench also work on a tobr? I thought at one point you were going to make some of those too? My guess is there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.
thebigiam8 Does the forearm have an Arca rail built into the bottom? Why fold to the left and not the right?
popodumpling I'll join in by saying a caliber I want. 300 win mag?
pinelanddude76 277 Fury?
brandonshehan Oh my. And my Tranquillo just arrived and is in Form 4 jail....
  -  sethurbanek @brandonshehan how long you wait to get it from production?
  -  brandonshehan @sethurbanek About 18-20 months.
vine_matt Shut up and take my money!