... Enhanced Siete - I like how @MarkFingar populated that short case. Will easily fit into a SuperCub without making your pilot spit tobacco juice on your boots ... 😎
936 likestopshotdustin Verified Neat!
donaldjtrumpjr Verified 🔥🔥🔥very cool 16 likes
  -  flyingturtletx @donaldjtrumpjr miss your Dad a lot man 7 likes
  -  markfingar @donaldjtrumpjr 👍 2 likes
rhammock3 Ideas for when they will be available for purchase?
  -  laruetactical @rhammock3 ... This week 9 likes
foster63b Beautiful 😍😍
redoak.sooner 😍 Good thing you have my card on file!
zanecorcoran2036 I need one of these in 8.6 blackout 1 like
sextonightt Damn I want one yesterday! Looks brilliant 2 likes
charliesclones Nice. 👏👏👏
sweshooter Waiting for the email... any hint as to price point?
kodiak_precision Saaweeet travel companion!!!
bookerbass Trying to decide which kidney to sell to buy this when it comes into production.
blue_crusader_firearms I am ready for one as soon as it is released!
danielmachen762 👍👍👍👍
7fabracing 👏
jessehatfield1013 Caliber options?
radiac_svcs Mark does a great job with the pictures.
  -  laruetactical @radiac_svcs ... 💯% !!! Go look at Mark's latest post 😎 @MarkFingar 2 likes
twestypdx I have a spot in my gun room for a Siete that is right next to the 556 Costa & 762 FDE. Send it!
  -  sp0kanistani @twestypdx I have matching numbers of same. Wouldn't it be neat if @laruetactical did a numbered release to start ? 🤔🙌 1 like
  -  twestypdx @sp0kanistani Boom! 👆
at_the_tip Best Labor Day product release ever! Been waiting for the Siete for a really long time since the LT Range Days, unicorn knives, XTRAXN, OBRs, PredatOBR UDEs, PredatARs, hot towels, framed magazines, Dillos and all!!
  -  sp0kanistani @at_the_tip I can speak to each except the unicorn knives .. a lifetime achievement ✨
  -  laruetactical @sp0kanistani ... Those knives produced the absolute meanest S30V steel sliver chips 😳
  -  sp0kanistani @laruetactical sounds like something to do again 😜 ..
  -  regularprecisiondude @laruetactical Is the bar/vise required for the barrel swap?
  -  laruetactical @regularprecisiondude ... No, folder kicks out to 90 degrees and acts as an extra knee in the Beirut hotel room. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @regularprecisiondude ... Also, the Action Bar can be held steady with a Crescent (adjustable) wrench 2 likes