... Postcard from a mile out 😎
1,018 likesdonaldjtrumpjr Verified 🔥🔥🔥 5 likes
doc_mckinney Will the bolt actions be available for those in California?
  -  laruetactical @doc_mckinney ... Does it look like it'll pass California's idea of a "deer rifle" ? 3 likes
  -  doc_mckinney @laruetactical yes!
rnbecker88 Quote me lol 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rnbecker88 ... "Quote me LOL" 5 likes
  -  rnbecker88 @laruetactical I need this rifle in my life....
labronzejames Credence Creedmoor Revival 3 likes
texasgunnews Oh my, such beauty.... 1 like
charles_helm I think I'm on the "interested" list. Ordered a 30 cal Tranquilo some time ago. Maybe they'll arrive together. Caliber though....🤔🤔🤔
  -  labronzejames @charles_helm creedmoor easily. No reason for 308 anymore unless you want to shoot budget surplus 4moa ammo. Match to match ammo prices are basically the same
  -  laruetactical @labronzejames ... I love the 6.5CM for @Accuracy1st ToddHodnett's "minus 200 Formula" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @labronzejames ... The 308 does deliver a mean "thump" 😎
  -  labronzejames @laruetactical I guess I shoulda mentioned at longer range which is what you made this rifle for. I have a 12.5" lr308 which is great for sending a bunch of heavy rounds out to even 400. The creedmoor is just more precise and gives I think about 300 more yards than 308.
  -  thirtythree_three @labronzejames I love it when people who don't understand ballistics speak authoritatively in/on public/forums as thought they do. Please explain.... Specifically....how a 6.5CM is "more precise" than a .308. Also, your statement about "300 more yards" is ..... unclear at best. At least you spelled "Creedmoor" correctly, I guess. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... You mostly excellent at insulting my dinner guests and ... the Rhodesian Ridgebacks haven't been fed in awhile ... 1 like
  -  labronzejames @thirtythree_three I like when the people that don't read up on or know anything about ballistic coefficient or sectional density come charging in. The 6.5 creedmoor has 40% less wind deflection than 7.62 and 300 yards more range as military standard of when a bullet goes transonic. Around 900 yards for 7.62 and 12-1300 for creedmoor. Now if there was absolutely no wind and you were shooting only to 100 yards there probably wouldn't be too different in accuracy (all things being same about weapon except caliber). 308 has more drop but you could have it sighted in with that considered. There's a reason socom switched so if you don't believe my words just Google.
  -  labronzejames @charles_helm I see you liked @thirtythree_three response to me. Just do some reading. If I was wrong don't you think Mark would've responded accordingly?
  -  thirtythree_three @labronzejames lololol. "don't know read up ...sectional density." Super odd that I shoot ELR, but yeah, what is sectional density? 🙄. Your statements thus far have been partially true, but then they reach the wrong conclusion based on a bad assumption or incomplete thoughts. Like when you said "there's no point to shooting .308..." but then had to come and (kind of) clean that up because you didn't realize that energy within (about, depending on projectiles and MV) 500 yards (which is where the vast majority of kill shots actually occur) is greater with a .308. So, actually, what you said could be almost 100% wrong. You came in and cleaned that up...again, but not really because you said "well, the gun is MEANT for long range,so." The southeast SWAT sniper record that stood for a really long time was well under 150 yards. I'll take a 155gr .308 moving at 2870 over a 130 Berger AR Hybrid at 2900 for that shot. But yeah "no point."
Now, your last incomplete statement re: accuracy. The smallest 5-shot group I have ever seen (would have been a world record if it had been witnessed per the rules, and was indeed shot by a former world record holder) was shot with a .308. (155 Scenars). A 6.5CM - for all of its benefits will not be better than that group. Even on average, 6.5CMs are not more accurate than .308s. OF COURSE what you say about wind deflection is obviously true, but that is something VERY different than saying 6.5CM is "more accurate". To test how your statement (and back up reasoning) is flawed, keep on going down the path. Is 6mm "more accurate" than 6.5? It gets more interesting, doesn't it? All of the sudden have to start applying a lot of different qualifiers..., so a blanket statement doesn't work.
The other thing you got wrong is assuming that wind will impart more inaccuracies on a .308 than a 6.5. But that's only true if the wind is an Inconsistent one. A constant 15 mph wind properly accounted for will have exactly the same effect on the group size of a .308 as it will a 6.5CM. It's when you get to inconsistent winds that it matters.
FWIW, I strongly prefer my 6.5s past 500, but that doesn't make your statements any more accurate.
  -  labronzejames @thirtythree_three not a bad response. I thought you were gonna start telling me how good the m14 was... You forgot to mention 6.5 has better penetration than 7.62 so does 762s more energy 200 and under matter? Also you ever hear of @kevin.p.owens on his page he talks about re barreling your 308 to 6.5/260 because it's superior. I feel he might have more experience with 2 legged varmint than yourself.
  -  laruetactical @labronzejames ... @kevin.p.owens ... Kevin's credentials are off the charts 😎 3 likes
  -  charles_helm @laruetactical And here I was just wondering if another .308 is what I want...😮😂...I'll worry when you start taking deposits. 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @labronzejames See this is the problem: you make blanket statements that are not always true. You did it again. "the 6.5 has better penetration". It's one of those statements that depends on a bunch of different factors. 1) penetration in what? What projectile weight? What range? What projectile material? For instance, if I have to shoot something "soft" through a glass window at 125 yards.... Are you telling me that 6.5 has better penetration, even when there are some pretty fancy-cored penetrating 7.62 bullets out there? It would be better if you just acted like an adult and acknowledged that there are a lot of scenarios where 6.5CM is not superior to .308s. Again, I'm a huge 6.5CM proponent. But I hate blanket statements that people make because there are people learning still and they'll take that and repeat it and then before long you have people saying "once a rifle always a rifle" (in the context of converting an AR pistol to a rifle and then back. It's false, but 1/2 the world believes it.
  -  charles_helm @charles_helm I don't want to intrude in the arguments but if someone asks me for a recommendation I generally ask them a few questions before answering. Have fun gentlemen!
  -  labronzejames @thirtythree_three your over thinking this. Your probably a way better shooter than myself. You know what creedmoor can do. Would you not agree that the gun Mark had pictured in post would not be a better choice in creedmoor? I'm thinking of picking up an hk mr762 and doing it up like an m110a1 which works fine in 308w.
  -  labronzejames @thirtythree_three but they if you wanna keep arguing, you could go to Kevin's page and ask him why he says creedmoor is superior to 308win. He has more experience than myself by far so I just take people like that word for it.
  -  thirtythree_three @labronzejames again blanket statements don't work. Sometimes .308 is superior. Sometimes 6.5 is superior. As far as the Siete is concerned, I would approach it in the same way as I have my large frame PredatOBR: I have a 16" .308 Barrel, and then a 22" .260 barrel. The 16" barrel is the "default condition" barrel because it's the one that I would most likely utilize in a real-word situation. The 22" barrel is there if I want it. But realistically, if I'm going to shoot past where the 16" .308 takes me, I'm going to grab a bolt gun (in my case an AIAX - also with switch barrel capability. If I want that gun, I'm going to prefer the 6.5 barrel (I have matching 24" .308 and 6.5CM barrels plus a wildcat 20" 6mm), because the 6.5 would do better beyond 600 (the 16" PredatOBR goes transonic at around 950 with my load, but it's lost quite a bit of energy at that point). But to the original "argument". Both of those AIAX barrels shoot some stupid-small groups, and I can say definitively that as far as those calibers and those barrels are concerned....neither is "more accurate" than the other, and for closer-in shots, the .308 has more energy. The Sietete will be kinda like a mix between the PredatOBR and the AIAX, so I'm going to be truly spoiled for choice.
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... Wall of text 🧐 ... next 1 like
kkbaker55 Ok when can you take my money for one!!! 2 likes
lashlaruesc From one LaRue to another, I hope Its in my price range this week. 1 like
jb1911m2 Matching .22 barrel next?
andy.chavers Oh my 😍
stevemealman.actual 300 Win Mag.... Please
jharedsmith Dammit guys I'm trying to save money I don't need to see this like right now
akscott60 🧡🔥
ethridgemd When?
7fabracing 🤤
gunnertwo I agree with Don Jr. 🔥
sextonightt Forgive my dumb question, but what is that bar for that's pictured next to the wrench in these pics?
  -  everett.haley @sextonightt holds the action so you can torque the barrel to spec.
  -  sextonightt @everett.haley makes sense. Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @sextonightt ... You stick the Action Bar in an ordinary bench vise, and with bolt removed, you slide Siete down over it, and use Barrel wrench to swap barrels. 2 likes
  -  sextonightt @laruetactical I should have noticed that from your video you posted a while back. Thank you! Looking forward to placing my order!
  -  everett.haley @sextonightt you're welcome! I think this method is what will allow for maximum repeatability versus some of the other multi-caliber options out there.
dan__martin__ Does it come in 300win mag?
everett.haley I check the website twice daily for the preorder to open @laruetactical 5 likes
  -  the_satty @everett.haley same here 😂 1 like
  -  everett.haley I'm planning on 308/6.5 barrels to start and hope for a 22-Creedmoor in the future. I feel like this platform is going to replace several for me. Most of my optics are sitting in @laruetactical mounts already so that will make life easy. I've yet to take a mount off and put it back on that results on any 0 shift so I trust just having my NightForce collection labeled for each caliber. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @everett.haley ... Good plan on labeling scopes to barrels. 3 likes