... The Siete chassis is nailed/pencils down. Now we're scaling the setups to stuff the mill tables with as much continuous cycle time as we can, so our awesome CNC operators can easily crawl over dimensions of the last parts that came out of the CNCs, while the CNC runs the next batch. What's with the pic of the cutter ? Oh, that cutter is gonna help machine the most gorgeous bolt action chassis's known to man. It's the little things that thrill me and this wicked little inserted shell mill has me on the edge of my seat 😎 ML
396 likeslaruetactical @nagysr.russell ... I'm a machining enthusiast in my 5th decade of machine shop ownership ... and Modern Machine Shop is my porn magazine. 3 likes
  -  nagysr.russell @laruetactical me too. Machinist, Engineer then sales since 1978... All the best to you sir!
  -  laruetactical @nagysr.russell ... I discovered the existence of Balax Form Taps in 1979, inside the American Machinist 💯 Year Anniversay edition. 2 likes
  -  nagysr.russell @laruetactical good stuff!
jeffwhitney3 Tip of that insert looks to be gone. That is a killer tool though. We use tons of insert mills where I work.
  -  laruetactical ... Only pic I had in my phone. The inserts themselves are dangerous razors 😳😎
vytal_mfg One of our go-to cutters 😍
realwarthog71 Oh yeah. That'll def do!
whiskey__actual Same company that owns the US F1 team! u s
joeyzadik We have just got one to test at my shop haven't gotten to run it yet. Are you happy with it so far? I'm not to impressed with the turning inserts I tired through them.
scottrailroad We've been using Mitsubishi and seco. The Mitsubishi cutters and inserts are cheaper and seem to hold up pretty well
charliesclones If Haas is it's first name, the last name will be good
nekomimi882 HAAS is it powered by their f1 v6 turbo engine??? 😂
jeffwhitney3 Yeah that insert has a good angle on the cutting edge makes them deadly sharp. I use a lot of high positive inserts on lathes for the finish that we have to get.
nagysr.russell Love to talk to you sometime about our tooling. We manufacture world class tooling and ARs (including gun drills, reamers and button rifling tools) is our expertise. Tools made in Michigan, I'm here in Texas.
  -  laruetactical @nagysr.russell ... I'm all set 😎
  -  nagysr.russell @laruetactical understood but it doesn't hurt to see what's out there. Anyway, I remain loyal to Larue... 1 like
7_62x51 By any chance could there ever be a left hand variant? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @7_62x51 ... Of course 3 likes
  -  firstspear_tv @7_62x51 @laruetactical If you really think about shooting, the "Right" handed bolt gun is actually ideal for a left handed shooter. I mean if I never had to break my grip to work the bolt, I'd say that was the correct handed setup for me. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @firstspear_tv ... That means we're making a left-handed rifle and still need to make a right handed version 😎 2 likes
  -  firstspear_tv @laruetactical Ha ha ha 100% good Sir 😂😂😂
  -  thirtythree_three @firstspear_tv Yeah, it's like left-handed shooters don't understand this. Sure, for a gas gun, you might want a "left handed version", but there are plenty of right handed bench-resters that have "left hand" versions because it's faster. I'm not going to say that these left-handed shooters don't get this because left-handed people are of inherently lower-intelligence..... but it does seem like they can't quite process that not everything needs to be the opposite of right-handed to be left-handed. Fun fact: in high school I worked in a sporting goods store and I had left-handed people come in and ask for left-handed tennis rackets. 1 like
  -  7_62x51 @thirtythree_three soooo....... I'm not actually left handed. I'm left eye dominant, and not so much left eye dominant, but more of a defect in the right eye lens. I see well enough right eye to shoot moderate distances with red dots but run irons and other optics left eye. I shoot pistols with equal skill with either hand. I know that running a right hand bolt is faster and doesn't involve the firing hand coming off fire control. No, I'm not one of those how you so eloquently stated "less intelligent lefties". I just like having a left hand bolt gun and just thought I would ask.
midnite_actual HAAS goes skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr 😍
mrgunzfirearms @ko_on_the_go 1 like
  -  ko_on_the_go @mrgunzfirearms that'll remove some material. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ko_on_the_go ... Gives me goose bumps 😎 2 likes
  -  ko_on_the_go @laruetactical awesome! I work for a competitor of HAAS, so I can't be too complementary 😂😂😂. But everything about the cutting/machining process amazes me. I can sit and watch chips fly all day! 1 like