... A little help please. I just shot this 3-shot proof-group with someone's new 16" PredatAR. What size group would you call it - see LaRue ruler for reference ? ML
825 likesbillsnearly About twice the size of a Tac-Ops group. Amazing for a gas gun! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @billsnearly ... ... "half the size"? What chambering would that .17 caliber you speak of be ? 9 likes
  -  billsnearly @laruetactical .308 of course. God's caliber.
  -  andrew_.223 @billsnearly love it when .308 makes .2 x .3 holes 4 likes
noble_tx Depends if there's any hits out of the camera shot. :)
  -  laruetactical @noble_tx ... There's plenty of groups all over my 4-target cardboard racks. And the red dots accumulate some cool ones too.
hadaway18 Really missed an opportunity to name it LaRueler. 30 likes
  -  bradhudson @hadaway18 it was on their website as the larueler a while ago 2 likes
a_sad_paramedic I call it, "still bigger than bidens brain" 😂 12 likes
vangc83 Mark, you missed the bullseye... 5 likes
bmayes425 😂😂😂
nathanielearle Haha this is what my wife says when I'm showing her my little groups! 1 like
the_profishional .302-.224=0.078"?
  -  elweitzel @the_profishional that would be less than one of the marks on the ruler 1 like
the_profishional .320, not .302. So make that .096". You subtract the bullet diameter when measuring groups so it's possible to have a group size smaller than the marks on the ruler.
arndomshot 0.076"
  -  elweitzel @arndomshot no that is one hole that looks like one bullet was shot through it people will argue that it is only one shot (I know I've seen a .089 shot thorough a Tango 51)
  -  arndomshot @elweitzel why are you replying to my comment?!?
tacere.venandi I'll call it whatever it wants if you'll sell me THAT gun!!!😂
willy_b_4301 "Setting the Bar" 1 like
therealgila You had the opportunity to say "LaRuler" and you didn't? Why? 1 like
runngun333 .15 🔥 1 like
jtaylor If you're back into proofing some .308's... .320-.308=0.012🔥🔥 1 like
hitman79_actual It measures right at Shit Hot I think 1 like
czychris137 I'm pretty sure I would give an extra $500 for one of your rifles Cherry picked with that level of accuracy.
  -  mwhitney826 @czychris137 haha and you would be at the end of the line. People would pay 10k more for a rifle cherry picked that consistently grouped like this... just sayin 1 like
  -  czychris137 @mwhitney826 yeah that's prob true 😂. Probably easier to buy five rifles and sell the other three or four 😂
  -  mwhitney826 @czychris137 haha 👆 this guy gets it... 1 like
envy.none Wow🔥👏
kodiak_precision .080 ? The rule is not in the best position
sethctr What ammo?
sethctr That setup loves it
_rustranger_sd Damn!
wormydog1724 .11moa
ranger515 Dibs!
barefoot.peckerwood That's better 😉
johnp.garcia That's an amazing group, don't care what anyone says! 🔥
_esstac .081MOA
projectworks305 When they send it back, because it's...ahem, way off 😉😆😆😆😆, can I have it???
mayorofriverbluffrd Good shootin for sure.
pyro1.3gun .11 moa
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - ran this through my Ballistic-X app and it's reading a .139 inch group. Will upload the analysis image in just a moment.
  -  laruetactical @esqphoto ... 0.300" - 0.220 = 0.080" 🤷 3 likes
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - If you knew the answer....😂😂😂😂😂
  -  laruetactical @esqphoto ... I was curious how many could do the math with the ruler perched in the pic.
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - Looks like it was Zero Point Zero!!!
  -  jeffyoung357 @laruetactical Caliber?
  -  laruetactical @jeffyoung357 ... 5.56 1 like
bmullis @laruetactical That group is right around . 075" . It's hard to measure the ones that good without a caliper! 3 likes
  -  jonathantalin awesome work!
realwestern_ Laser!
all_ghillied_up LaRuler
prodog102 I'd call it good and grab a cold one.
didymus_photography Dead zombie group.
scotte_90 Not even in the bullseye 🎯 😂
teenis22 Bro... LaRuler
colorado_school_of_trades We would say you can call it sub moa
lkcrome So I guess I'll say since no one else has... when it's that small, size no longer matters😇
vine_matt 0.25"? 🤷
jdg0707 I have been telling people that this place makes magic barrels!!!
bigjcookery Time to break out the calipers
danger.spike Why isn't it called the Laruler?
_jmcknz_ A tenth from center to center
anthonyb2048 The I dont want to hear it dont shoot group!
johnfedock My 16" PredatAR was literally paid for today. Fingers crossed.
amg.a3e It think it's one of mine....just sayin...
dvcasey03 I need this scale for A&P school
jimmoulton I'd call that fuckn tight.
bowtechman1az You don't have dial/ digital calipers?
pawpawlammy They will still send it back.
h3artglass Dead nuts
fdmarshal Dead nuts