... Prove me wrong 😎 ML
1,908 likestopshotdustin Verified Ohh that's good. 9 likes
realtalkliberty Perhaps the round bale was developed as a result of a shrinking labor force as people moved away from rural living in favor of suburb and metro living. The invention, and availability of air conditioning, fast food, and television probably has more to do with the rapid degradation of labor, and people who want to be farmers, than a round bale.
In other words, it is a symptom, not a cause. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @realtalkliberty ... Yes you're a genius, now get your ass out there and wash them tractors. 13 likes
  -  realtalkliberty @laruetactical Tractors get cleaned before they get put away, Mark. 😆😜 2 likes
  -  texan.right @realtalkliberty 😂 facts. Don't want to go spreading bahiagrass 4 likes
itsadeadshame the original bale-out 9 likes
thereal_an2 If this ain't the damn truth. 8 likes
bradleyaten I agree with that. 5 likes
snakenquake They actually made round bales illegal here! They said the cows weren't getting a square meal. 5 likes
  -  charliesclones @snakenquake U phunie man. Wery phuneee. 😂 1 like
garrettcwo I know I threw many square bales as a teenager in the east TX summer heat. Drove hundreds T-posts & dug many post holes for corner posts. During my 20 years in the Marine Corps you could tell who grew up doing that kind of work & who didn't. 4 likes
tjleenhouts I'd say so 2 likes
gunner_texas_03 😂 1 like
stevieb117 😂😂😂 1 like
alexh762x39 Spent my younger summers catching and stacking square bales. Hot nasty work, you aren't wrong 😂 9 likes
broken_knee_tactical Hernia surgery at 6 years old from throwing bales on our farm. Wouldn't trade it for anything 5 likes
andrew.meriwether Threw square bales on the back of a hay wagon growing up 🙌 I'm about that life… good work ethic led me to the Marine Corps. and taught me more lessons than I can count. 🙌u s 3 likes
jcschumpert Grew up on a hay farm. FUCK squares. That's what's wrong with my back now 5 likes
sailorripley55 Nothing like running outta sweat in a 118F barn stacking for 10¢ a bale to get your mind right. 1 like
  -  davidewade @sailorripley55 Our highest paid crew member in the mid 1970's made $0.05/bale. 1 like
  -  sailorripley55 @davidewade The only thing good about it was being with your buddies and talking smack all day. "Don't forget your purse, sweet pea." 3 likes
toki_tx Some of us still sling square bales. 2 likes
walton_farms Been there, got smart, use big square bales now. I dare ya to toss even one! 2 likes
jed_______57 Saved my back though 😂 1 like
hunterlandscapes30a CNC machines killed America's work effort 1 like
flat_top_forge Lol I'm gonna agree but I'm not gonna complain when I'm making round bales 1 like
jfpvh You may have something there I've been in the hayloft in 115○ stack 92 pound bales of hay from the floor to the top or on the wagon stacking ☕☕u s u s 1 like
texaselectric1973 Sorry it was participation trophies. 1 like
captgmreed I spent many summers stacking square Bales 1 like
simplyguns 😂😂😂😂😂
tacticalsniperseries 💯💯💯🤣
wormydog1724 Nah
dustinfrost7 😂😂😂
moses_135 💡
emkay0 😂😂😂
mrbrianmetz @staff_sergeant_kacir
  -  staff_sergeant_kacir @mrbrianmetz lol. Dang good times.
bassscout 😂😂😂
shepherd_usa 😂
nghtrgr 🤣🤣
hobbit0717 So funny, and so true.
kjpoynor 🙌
davispinner Lol
johns_galt Hahahaha
house_moose_knuckle Facts
troys.speed.and.custom True story! Agreed 100%.
omega_cerakote So true. Literally had this conversation a couple weeks ago.
jbateman122 😂😂
mr_boatshoes Agreed
bucketmouthjigs.co Then Computers.
bucketmouthjigs.co You know. I often hear about square bales. But I never hear about coastal sprigs 😂😂😂
djcarthel The Bale Baron finished it.😂
sanddart93 If you know, you know
thejimmyherman Lived it!! Agreed 💯. Hahaha
roncarter1759 Lol
vonwolffe lol 😂 I know that's right
wyatt_leonard9 Oof
defense2020 Perfect🙌
blue_cat_797 100% correct sir
boelt63a You've got a point there! I spent more than one summer stacking square bales.
mimedical_ 🔥
mayorofriverbluffrd You very well may be onto something with this.
lineman7750 Saved my back tho…
ncsuforester Naw, the cows/horses weren't getting their square meal 😂😂😂
natedivy Haha this is truth
dingodog1272 City folk wouldn't understand.
sdhbbq The kids these days need to know what it's like to fill a trailer full of green hay bales during the summer
azlatrans That's funny
grendelman1975 Shuckin square bales sucks.... But I agree.
rshaneemt Having thrown square bales in the hill-country heat outside Austin, I can confirm.
sherman_556 True but I still hate those little square bastards 1 like
fruitsj Hits so hard 🙌😮😍
dont_leadem_as_far Out of the field and stacked in the barn for 25cents a bale - circa 1978 East Texas. 😂
laura.lynette05 So true! City folk have no idea, tho....
juice405 Lol I mean you ain't wrong
clintbegley In high-school, hauling square bales at 10-15 cents a bale paid for my gas and beer in the summers
poisonled0422 I grew up bailing hay the old way where you had toss the bales up to the wagon and to be stacked. I don't miss it with round bales
  -  thenslee1 @chasewhitley @mal_henslee
rob.bowie.2 I can't disagree with this. Neither can anyone else who spent their summers hauling a thousand bales a day.
trevorreust Ah yeah, I don't think I'd have heat tolerance like I do if it wasn't for loading hay mows on a horse farm all summer.
bernslow 😂you're so damn right on this
xab235 squares all day
03shitbox It actually started before that, I have always blamed A/C for the pussification of America. I baled many a square bale in my lifetime.
micah_hs The is the OG "Okay Boomer" statement.
texagonian_towers Square bales make you strong 💪
stanleycrone I put many long hours in the fields rolling those bales and retrieving them. I've also put in many long hours unloading and stacking small bales in the barn, I prefer the round bales, just saying.
mikeb945 You are right. Nobody puts up hay any more. That taught kids how to WORK.
brittzter13 And cost me a lotta money!
moderndebauchery I'd like to agree with you but I feel dirty doing so. Growing up on the farm, round bales really made my life nice. Still a lot of work, but damn was it nice to focus less on the stupid hay and more on the other crops. But yeah, you kind of nailed it there. lol
mike_pompe83 Ain't that the true Especially catching them in the wagon and then stacking them
tn1822 Not hardly any would load those square bales and then get up in the top of the barn with 120 degree heat and stack ‘um. But we did, because that's we had to do.
wilcoxcode3 Well all I know is. I've hauled more square bales than I can count. So once I started round bales……if I ever touch another square bale it will be to soon. Stick 2 With the tractor and move. Load them on the hay van. Pull a lever and done. Never even have to touch them. It American efficiency at its finest. Lol. Work smarter not harder.
duque_dupre No one sees the penis? 2 likes
  -  rustyshucks @duque_dupre I seent it. 😆
  -  mr._blue_jeans @duque_dupre That's the first thing I noticed and then I was trying to figure out was it supposed to be a penis and balls or is it the top of a penis going in between two tits 😂
nickwoodweld Telling kids that they are special killed America's work ethic
texas_hooligan #fact the summer I got $.14 a bale bucking I thought I won the effing lottery…
awareandalive Loading and unloading 90 pound alfalfa square bales on a modified school bus was my life🤘oh, I also cut the fields and raked them while daddy bailed them and then we milked the cows for the second time that day. Cow manure makes your hands soft boy!
cmarmaduke66 I've seen more square bales this year than I have in a decade. Maybe there's still hope.
manbat_wayne_brewster Amen to that! I put up hay all through high school and it's a ball busting hell of a good time!
  -  sundayrumday @laruetactical I know there are a lot of variables that go into this question and answer, but in y'all's experience what barrel length for the OBR 7.62 do you prefer? 16" or 18"? I've already ordered a 16" just wondering what route you would've chose. Thanks 🍻
erik.stenn Seriously nothing like bucking 70lbs from the ground to stack all day long on a hot dry day in a race with Mother Nature. Just so you can buy a new pair of boots by the end of the season and earn your breakfast today.
realwestern_ 54yo and I just bucked up 8 tons of 90lb bales yesterday. 3 more loads and we are done. My wife calls it functional fitness!
billdaycom Grew up raking and helping haul and stack 66 pounders. Hay hooks in 120 degree barn lofts etc. Tell my kids (too often for their liking) that they need to experience that for a week in the summer heat
matt_and_a_map I might be color blind, but why do I see a big green weenie? PS- a nicely plowed field is always a work of art and square bales are fun to stack.
garry_mcpeak Sharing !
icveinz Never thru bales, but did wake up at 4am in the morning so by 5 am was moving long lines of irrigation sprinklers in the fields for a farm then come back the next morning and move the rows up the field again all for little pay per lines moved. Then on the weekends worked at an outdoor range resetting steal targets all this at the age of 12. These are memories you won't recieve sitting around playing video games or staring at your phone complaining its to hot to go outside and play. 1 like
whiteyxholmes Math is $$$. Hay is for the flyover state people to handle… Your problem? You fix it…
nickfountainranch Round bales are for pussys
tbarbee1 Yes sir, nothing but little squares on the ranch till my brother and I left for college. Then all of a sudden round bales… LOL! 1 like
bwoody_emissary He's not wrong, you know.
briscoelcamino Not wrong.
craigory.brown AbsofrickinLUTELY!!!
shipmangretchen Anyone who's thrown square bales in Texas heat would probably concur!
brazosbill Not taking the other side of that bet.
signalmountainbuilders Round bales are proof that it's better to be lazy than a hard worker.
cj_thalion 💀 lol gah I hated tossing bales.
damethoughts 🙌 💯
kincaidracing Dunno about that, but round bales teach the fact if you roll your bullshit up tight like a sleeping bag, and impale it with a tractor the problem goes away.