... 2,000 LaRue mounts per crate going out the door ... Unconfirmed, but LaRue mounts might be the most prolific optic mounts throughout the U.S. Military community, with no close 2nd place finisher. ML
864 likesronactual When will your 14.5" stealth barrels be in stock and off of back order again?
  -  laruetactical @ronactual ... Guessing soon as I recently broke my foot off in the ass of my barrel shop mgr about that same subject - ML 32 likes
andrew.meriwether @laruetactical that's because your products are the best by miles and no one else can come close! Saying that having spent plenty of time carrying a rifle with your mount system on it while serving and now owning one on my personal rifles at home! Nothing comes close! 🙌🙌🙏u s
timlad07 I have 3 of your mounts and I'm in the UK 🇬🇧, just wish your products were easier to obtain over here 😔 1 like
bigcalamari @laruetactical i own quite a few of your products. I am in the market for a new barrel so i was trying to find specs on yours..called customer service to ask about specs. Your guy said you play your cards close to your chest. That made me chuckle. All your products are outstanding..ill be ordering a barrel from you very soon!
alphamike33 They were the most prolific on my M4 overseas even when I had to pay out of pocket. Worth it. 2 likes
thiswildadventure Holy shit. 2 likes
cmykshooter Is that the size of the Christmas boxes you are sending out this year? You're the only company to ever have sent a Christmas gift. I'll never forget it. Customer for life. 👊 1 like
i_am_the_fos Epic. I'm just over here waiting on one, smaller box, with the green accented "LaRue Tactical" tape, that contains a .308 lower. Ordered 04/01... Any idea on lead time? My UU is pretty lonely. 😕
gozasc How much Dillo Dust is going out with this order? 8 likes
  -  alaskanmarksman @gozasc that's what the 2nd crate is full of ;)
trapshootb Well hell Poop happens It's how it Ends is whats most important
engineer59 Congrats guys, I mean you do make some awesome stuff👍
baseline_train And the most bang for your $ triggers. I LOVE my single stage!!🙌 2 likes
chris_lisenbee_outdoors @laruetactical I hope mine is in there with keeping my Ultimate Upper company.
mckeonekert Well done!
hunter_maxey21 A larue Mount is the way to go! Came on the acog I had!
awareandalive If you ain't first your last!!!
akscott60 Boom
jbarker333 deservedly, best quality and value
gordo_operador If you want the best, get LaRue 🤷
unapologetically_floridian Now if we could just not lose all the damn wrenches... or make wrench-free the standard. 1 like
ballisticbrad If only your customer service regarding sending wrong specs were better 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @ex_mil_n_chill ... ex_miss_n_bitch, I'll forward your complaint. :-) ML 11 likes
  -  ballisticbrad P.S. your LT15-12 is actually 12.25" or so. Let me know if you need someone that understands how to measure vice sending customers false specs right before they cut their $205 barrel 2 likes
  -  brett__2021 @ex_mil_n_chill maybe cut your fucking barrel once you get all the other parts in hand next time, ya dunce!
  -  laruetactical @ex_mil_n_chill ... "or so" ? Be specific Bob ... measure twice, cut once. Sorry about the hassle. As for the 12.2 vs 12.25 (or so), giving exact measurements confuses a lot of folks, so we round for them to make it easier to think. ML 10 likes
  -  ballisticbrad Mark, I was told by your customer service the length of the LT15-12 was EXACTLY 12 inches. I wanted an almost flush ASR mount so I chopped my barrel to 12.5, which is about .1" of gap on an EXACTLY 12" handguard. The LT15-12 is NOT 12" long. It is 12.25-12.35" and that rendered the combo unusable. I was very calm and emailed your team, but no resolution or even condolences were offered. Hence why I'm here bitching. 3 likes
  -  sachamoravyp @ex_mil_n_chill lol if you're going to cut your barrel why wouldn't you measure yourself??? Why are you trying to blame them for your mistake? They didn't make you chop your barrel... 20 likes
  -  laruetactical @sachamoravyp ... I'm working it here to find him something that he'll be happy with. 5 likes
  -  ballisticbrad Because I emailed them before I bought the rail in order to get the true length of the rail and ensure fitment. Seemed like the tech support would steer me true since I've always trusted and used their products
  -  rungunz1 @laruetactical saying that "giving people exact measurements confuses them" is just a nice way to call your customers stupid.😂 9 likes
  -  ballisticbrad @rungunz1 almost feels like ol Kevin from Q is up in these comments 9 likes
  -  cowtrot @ex_mil_n_chill I've dealt with this and found the point from which a rail's length is measured varies. Measuring from the front face of receiver? Barrel nut? Hope you see what I mean and how waiting to cut your barrel to have the product in hand would have served you well. 15 likes
laruetactical   -  @rungunz1 ... My tactfulness is off a few thousandths ;-) 15 likes
  -  codycrafted @ex_mil_n_chill 🤣 #dryfit is a thing. In EVERY industry 3 likes
  -  ballisticbrad I shouldn't have to have the product in hand if I am told by that company the exact OAL of the rail is a certain measurement and that measurement meets my needs. @geissele puts their exact measurements and guess what? They're true and exact measurements. 3 likes
  -  krisjagdeo @ex_mil_n_chill go buy a geissele then. 1 like
  -  ballisticbrad No shit, lesson learned 1 like
  -  codycrafted @ex_mil_n_chill pfft. Even with dimensioned drawings nobody in their right mind hacks up a perfectly good part without both in hand. Keep bitching, Karen 11 likes
  -  ballisticbrad Ah ok, I'll write that down "don't trust well known manufacturers, nor their tech support on simple stuff like measurements" got it 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sachamoravyp ... I'm starting to rethink this - ML 5 likes
  -  mkivbb @ex_mil_n_chill there's so many differences and tolerances that are just inherently in the various manufacturer's stuff; nothing is ever going to be "exact." You should have just waited until you had all of your parts, mock it all up, then mark where you needed your cut. 5 likes
  -  ballisticbrad There's not much to an OAL. But, I'll write your .02 right next to the other SME's 2 likes
  -  ballisticbrad @so.there.we.were incorrect
  -  sachamoravyp @laruetactical send me whatever you were gonna send him 😏 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @ex_mil_n_chill ... Here's what one of my guys said ... "He said he cut his barrel to 12.5" but measured from where? Based on how we measure barrel lengths he would need a barrel of at least 13" long plus whatever clearance is needed to attach his SilencerCo suppressor. Or send him an 11.0 handguard to replace his 12.0 and he should be able to use the barrel he already cut since by his argument it should only be .350" too short to use with the 12.0 handguard. " 5 likes
  -  ballisticbrad Mark this is great that you're personally looking into it, however I already took the loss a few weeks ago and resold it. The fact that the application is being called out is the CS guy covering his ass. I had @d.wilson_mfg chop the barrel to 12.5" and it is perfect. The 12.5" barrel plus the AR15 barrel extension makes for an exactly 12" rail fit with approximately .125-.1" from the end of the rail to the ASR mount (the ASR suppressor attachment). I know this because I have a 10.3/9.5 combo with a .4" gap and a 10.5/10 combo with a .1" gap, both measured with calipers. Believe it or not, it's on tech support 4 likes
  -  ballisticbrad @laruetactical I have used dozens of your products and still do, they are quality. However the way Dan from CS handled this is ridiculous. 1 like
  -  sachamoravyp @sachamoravyp @laruetactical just kidding but I will be ordering my UUK soon once my piggy bank fills up
  -  laruetactical @ex_mil_n_chill ... Dan is top shelf and I will continue to love the work Dan does. Sorry Dan may or may not have let one fall through the cracks ... at the end of the day, like me, Dan is only human - ML 34 likes
  -  mkivbb @ex_mil_n_chill thanks bro!
  -  valelegio @ex_mil_n_chill @laruetactical At least Larue meets the emails .. Tangodown never answered, and when he replies, it also hurts..
  -  laruetactical @valelegio ... TangoDown, haven't heard that name in years ... 1 like
peakpg03 The @marines should give @laruetactical a contract for the OBR as a squad DMR 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @peakpg03 ... Best comment award - ML 2 likes
  -  peakpg03 @laruetactical Thank you, I'm just speaking the truth! u s u s #LaRueIsTheGreatest
  -  jsp_556 @peakpg03 doesn't the rifle have to win? Other than Geissele, everyone goes through trials. Did Mark even submit a rifle?
  -  peakpg03 @jsp_556 yes it has to win, idk if @laruetactical submitted a rifle, idk if that trial even took place because they simply cut corners and repurposed the M27 IAR as the squad DMR. I don't have all the answers man.
governorperry Verified "Made in Texas...The dead center of precision" would look good stenciled on that box!! 32 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @governorperry It appears that no one is paying attention! Rick Perry (or at least his IG designee) is in the thread! Welcome, Gov! 3 likes