... Found one of these in a drawer ... yep, used to run gazillions of these back in the mid-90s ... Electrical Discharge Machining rocks 💪 ML
473 likesbriarbfirearms I'll take it as a keychain 1 like
41gunner Ran them for who????? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @41gunner ... Wilson, Ed Brown, etc. 7 likes
  -  j.mar2382 @laruetactical not to mention you made a few 1911's in the day. I'd love to have a Larue 1911. They just looked so damn nice. An given your attention to detail I bet they shoot top notch as well! 3 likes
gunpowdergasandink .....and you haven't sent me one? 😂 1 like
tsuhobbs An archeological dream find.
toolndie7 @laruetactical its all fun and games until you top off the tank 😂 💦
wakrus @laruetactical any LT104 QD mounts with 30mm rings in stock? 1 like
  -  whiskeybravo23 @wakrus ordered one on the 18th. Shipped on the 20th
  -  whiskeybravo23 I have a couple other things on backorder for a while but I'll wait for the top tier stuff from larue.
tomasnumerouno @laruetactical would make a cool keychain. I'll shoot you my address. Lol
daddyscott2001 If only you would put all those new machines to work making the rest of the parts to complete that 2011 😉 @laruetactical 1 like
hey_itsme_phil 👍🏻 those look familiar!!!
230grainhardball LaRue 1911/2011 slides, frames, barrels and small parts in 2021! Do it or the china virus wins. 3 likes
  -  kg7dau @230grainhardball complete guns. Be cool to have a matching ar15 and 1911
  -  miyamoto_holliday @dadwa9n they existed once. I've seen em
krisinpudding I still have a P14-45 with one of those.
  -  laruetactical @krisinpudding ... It's almost a 1/4 century old.
  -  krisinpudding @laruetactical purchased new in 1993.
rs57binder Nice looking hammer. If you run into any more I'd be interested. And do you guys still have the Dillo dust BBQ rub?