... Just a reminder that after doing the 20-Round break-in, I used the rifle in all of today's pics to shoot a 0.481 moa five group average 🎯🎯🎯 ML
393 likesemilio_3511 Dang getting at it early. Any chance of just barreled actions or solid stocks and not folders? 1 like
  -  laruetactical emilio_3511 ... You can do whatever you want with yours when you get it 😎 2 likes
lmikem99 What's your break in procedure. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @lmikem99 ... July 22nd post 1 like
  -  lmikem99 @laruetactical thanks.
pylot2b I guess stupid question....Guessing Remington 700 foot print?
  -  laruetactical @pylot2b ... Yep. Rumor has it the 700 came from the diameter of the bolt = 0.700" ... unconfirmed.
  -  pylot2b @laruetactical I did not know that! Always learn something about guns and navions from you! Keep it going! 1 like
lilrieck Just waiting to give you my moneys!!! 1 like
texasgunnews That is unlike anything on the market today. It would be unfair to the others to enter a competition with a rifle with capabilities such as this.🔥👏 1 like
duckhnt @laruetactical sexy!
realwarthog71 How would it work for a front end swap with the same bolt from 6.5cm to 308. Is that possible? Or would it need a head spaced bolt per barrel? Either way. I want one
kodiak_precision Says allot about the rifle....and the shooter as well. Have a great week my friend!
andrew.meriwether Now to find her flavor of powder, grains, and depth setting 🙌😎
thestickmancamo Yea please! What calibers will be available? .308 and 6.5 CM?
emilio_3511 Dang getting at it early. Any chance of just barreled actions or solid stocks and not folders?
justin_102179 I'll take 2!!
iviark5 Beautiful
alphatwo2 L