... Meh, all you gotta do is keep all five (5) on the red 1" sticker. 20" 6.5 CM, beat-up NightForced scope, PredatAR chassis. And me on the Best-of- Class MBT-2S trigger. ML
354 likesbriarbfirearms I need a 6.5CM barrel for my FDE Heavy tAR 1 like
  -  wjoecunningham @briarbfirearms @laruetactical MEE, TOOOOO 1 like
  -  josh.macintyre @briarbfirearms there has always been an outcry for more barrel options. Especially for the Predatobr rifles. I own 2 and would surely snag a 6.5 barrel and 300blk if they were available to purchase on their own. 3 likes
weapon_eyezd Awesome
kurt_stl67 @laruetactical look at those beautiful honed holes! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kurt_stl67 ... Keeping them all on that 1" sticker is tougher than it looks. 3 likes
josh.macintyre 🔥
aaronaday @russellhmoore 1 like
thecodystone Very nice
machinist_brett What do I have to do to get a LaRue scale? 😍😍
  -  laruetactical @machinist_brett ... We don't make a scale. A scale is found on maps ...1 inch = 50 miles. 7 likes
  -  duckhnt @machinist_brett https://www.larue.com/products/larue-tactical-6-inch-tempered-steel-la-ruler/ 2 likes
dbaz88 @machinist_brett @laruetactical it's a laruler! 😂 2 likes
  -  j.mar2382 @laruetactical mark are those rulers on the website?
  -  duckhnt @j.mar2382 https://www.larue.com/products/larue-tactical-6-inch-tempered-steel-la-ruler/
  -  j.mar2382 @duckhnt thank you sir! 1 like
tonyleal84 I need to find my LaRuler.
travisw1845 Integral barrel tuner?
  -  laruetactical @travisw1845 ... Yep, I call it the LaRue MBT-2S 2 likes