... The shop voted for O.D.Green 🌲 ... 🧐
486 likesgovernorperry Verified The same kinda different….🧐🤓🔥 4 likes
  -  dantakesthejet @governorperry Please get back into politics. Maybe run for US Senate against John Cornyn so we can lose his anti-2nd Amendment voice. We need you!
laruetactical r wa
ewdeters Throw a little of each color in the mold so we have a camp pattern😁 1 like
cardinal_tactical Will LEFTY be available to order?
adamethridge Ya know I can work with it I was gonna ask if it would be available in other colors but OD works
adamethridge Look here bruh y'all got a price set yet so a brother can make plans for this like for real
iiisashiii Fire them all, they can't be trusted. 1 like
connelldad I like the OD. I'm glad I'm a TranQuilo owner.
adamethridge Still looks better than half the chassis rifles out there
800mzero Paint the whole thing OD green!
bboudreau14 Can I order now
charles_helm Works for me
wet_neck_67 Excellent choice 1 like
kevin.mcglothlin.078 I like the green matches my PREDATAR 1 like
cts304 The voted right
josh.macintyre Special edition Tobr in OD green cerakote would be a gift from the gun gods. 1 like
awilliams30808 Agreed
radiac_svcs Nice! I can't wait to get mine.
pewpewvette Yessss
mikeb945 I dig the OD. 🔥🔥🔥
agw_fl 👏🔥🙌😍
jram8383 👏👏🔥🔥