... Schadenfreuders will love this - the distraction of having to slap a couple of online haters around has messed up my dang aim 🎯. I missed all three (3) 100 yard shots at the crow 🤷 ML
347 likeskodiak_precision Great group though!
josh.macintyre It was a good miss if there is such a thing!
jfpvh That's OK looking good Tighten up the group and try again right u s u s ☕☕
claytonbretveld Nice group is all that really matters. It's just paper 🤷
topshotdustin Verified Nice!! 2 likes
wtsmith3159 But did you really miss if that is half scale 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wtsmith3159 ... Ha, you and me can be friends 🎯💯u s 4 likes
beetlebzz Nah you're close enough. I read on the internet that if you use 50BMG the turbulence of the bullet passing next to the target will make it explode. Internet FACT.