Typo alert !! New Summer 2019 catalog has a typo ! It's at the top of page 7. We're getting flooded with calls ... sales guys are gonna need a therapist from having to explain it. The $107 price should've been $399. Sorry. ML
399 likesdousan36 I used to do customer service. Good luck! Do not miss that job (just the paycheck) 1 like
d_mac876 Damn! Would have been nice 😂 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @d_mac876 ... My catalog guy is a bonafide Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer ... he missed the memo that rushing was no longer required. ;-) ML 6 likes
  -  d_mac876 @laruetactical 🤣 🤙🏽 Keep making awesome shit.
mccracken2623 Someone should buy beers for the crew! 1 like
thiswildadventure No. You published it. You have to sell it to use for $107, plus dust. 1 like
bh3187 In before entitled cry babies smear you for not honoring this egregious error. 2 likes
81tactical Dang and here I thought I was getting 4 for 399! 2 likes
mikeb945 Dang. I was about to order 2 1 like
cmykshooter You guys needs to print these in-house vs outsource. Less waste and more QC. Let me know if you need ideas! 1 like
matta2662 Everyone working for you have a drinking problem? 😂 1 like
jeff_iwanciw @laruetactical I will forget all about this and give a stern talkin to your catalog guy for you if i can get one for $107.😂🤣😂 2 likes
  -  deandalapanda @jeff_iwanciw I'm thinking maybe that's his cost to manufacturer the part??
  -  laruetactical @deandalapanda ... And what did you base that baseless remark off of ? 1 like
  -  deandalapanda @laruetactical just a thought sir... it happens from time to time. Just thinking, if it's a "random" number or not.
  -  laruetactical @deandalapanda ... If that was my cost, I wouldn't be flying old airplanes. 2 likes
  -  deandalapanda @laruetactical a plane is better than no plane... 🤷 lol relax. It was just a comment... I'm a diehard fan of yours 1 like
  -  deandalapanda @laruetactical state tax is a bitch though 🙃
  -  laruetactical @deandalapanda ... Ok, and I get a mulligan whenever one of my gundrills is giving me a fit - ML 5 likes
  -  the_sultan_of_sausage @laruetactical 😀😀😀
joseph5myers Holy Shit, for that price I would have bought five of them!!!!! 1 like
def3va Best marketing trick ever. 😀 1 like
c_beene_15 Drop that @ and let the roasting begin
goobax Those drunk IT guys again
gunlink.info 😂😂😂 Whoops! @laruetactical
the_sultan_of_sausage Utah.....get me 2.✌🏽
d.w.jones Must have been the legal alcohol in Texas🤪
mpcohagan @laruetactical when will MLock rails come out for the Xtraxn system??
oneweaponanytool Should honor the lower price till you sell out of current stock.
  -  laruetactical @oneweaponanytool ... And you should make my payroll while I follow your silly suggestion. ML 14 likes
  -  bh3187 @laruetactical and there it is
primeauxtargets Make the publisher pay!u s u s