... 20" 6.5 Creedmoor. Three 5-shot group average = 0.700 moa. Ultimate Upper Kit. Ammo = Super Secret Squirrel 140 Berger Hybrid ARs. 100 yards. NightForce ATAC*R 5-25 🎯 ML
300 likesj.mar2382 Does this mean 6.5 creedmoor uu are gonna be shipping? Should I check my email? Lol
john_v_meier Look out...does this mean you have some creedmoors shipping out???
jamesoncbaker 🙌🙌🙌
joshlafaire 🙌🔥 6.5 been waiting on these for 8+ months.
recon1212 Sir, you're living the dream.
dwr61 Damn,I hope that's mine! Doubt I could "outshoot the Larue shootist" though, those groups are tighter than Dick's hatband.