... In case you haven't heard, a 1000% excise tax on ARs has been proposed ... ML
247 likescharles_helm Don't see how it passes constitutional scrutiny. You can't ban something by taxation that you aren't permitted to ban outright. Why do some politicians want to keep people with limited money from having the most popular rifle? 3 likes
  -  seanjnick Well, it's what they did with the NFA. I hope this is unsuccessful though. 1 like
  -  charles_helm @ There are cases about backdoor bans already. See Murphy v Guerrero. Of course it isn't binding on a higher court or other circuit. https://fedsoc.org/commentary/fedsoc-blog/murphy-v-guerrero
  -  laruetactical @charles_helm ... It's not about them being used in crime, or they'd outlaw cars. 3 likes
  -  charles_helm @laruetactical Or lock up criminals
jschw1nd Does this bill include parts? If not, build numbers will sky rocket which means unsafe/reliable guns
chefhef What about taxation without representation??
shooterjosh3 Manufacturers will find a way to get around it. Sell the lowers for $1 with the cost absorbed into the upper.
drfergus Is this just finished rifles, or all parts too?
drfergus Also, if this bill does pass, I hope it doesn't apply to the SUURG I'm waiting 12 months for a tax stamp on. 1 like
spentbrasscasing As my kids used say "Gross".
  -  spentbrasscasing @spentbrasscasing to*
shamamilton Apparently, "Shall not be infringed" has a new interpretation in 2023, damn shame. 1 like
sbash001 What is their obsession with barrel shrouds? Or would the handguard on an AR be considered a barrel shroud?
kevinosterson Their logic is bonkers. 1 like
sotexwhiskeyguy Good way to get a ton of ARs sold before it happens.
tactical_brass_recovery Democrats should pay a toxicity and failed policy tax then 1 like
_capt_obvious It seems like this happens every congress. I remember when Slick Willie was in office and they made a push to tax ammunition at 700 percent. 1 like
nogoodtac Tax you to death and take your weapons yet still no resistance! 🤣 1 like