... Pulled this hashtag list off an attention whore's post. Ask me how I know you're an attention whore without asking me how I know you're an attention whore ... anyhow, even attention whores are good for something 🤷
271 likesgin_powered longrangeshootybois..... pretty sure I'm done with social media for the day. 5 likes
thecodystone This guy definitely larps around with his PSA build with chyna optics. 3 likes
freakinout Probably gets ya shadow banned these days 1 like
pi.stacheo Gotta hashbrown for post reach, gotta get the likes and follows for the shill shekels.
  -  laruetactical @pi.stacheo ... What are shill shekels ? 2 likes
  -  pi.stacheo @laruetactical shilling, is promoting products for money that you otherwise wouldn't. Shekels , ancient coin. 2 likes
gratisarms 😂
nickalapokis Honestly, that's was the best way to get initial engagement on Instagram until they nuked the hasttag algorithms and changed everything when FB took over. The dying days of Instagram 😢
_capt_obvious Most of the guys that do that kind of hashing work are a bunch of posers. I bet this guy is no exception. He probably couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle.
mrktrn Digital diarrhea
tom_rakip Yikes. What a douche. I bet he couldn't shoot MOA at 7m