... Briefcase Siete ... converting my pocket-knife foam model to something more doable 😎 ML
386 likesmorganoliff Looks nice. What's your thoughts on doing the different depths of pockets? We have a product that I prototyped foam packaging for but ultimately went another way. It can be exceptionally detailed. Also easy to laser logos and text onto the foam.
  -  laruetactical @morganoliff ... The pockets will have different depths to present the components with the same light pre-load. 2 likes
thebomber.nelson Nice, but I don't understand why you wouldn't just leave the scope mounted to the receiver
  -  laruetactical @thebomber.nelson ... because I make quick detachable, mounts that out-perform any other QD mount made 1 like
jonwaynetaylor This, with a 6.5CM and a 16" .375Raptor barrel, small discrete case, taking plains and dangerous game both, all over the Dark Continent.
  -  laruetactical @jonwaynetaylor ... Is there 358 Winchester ammo to be had over there ?
  -  jonwaynetaylor Mark, no but it's no trouble at all to bring 50 rounds per person. Getting hunting guns and ammunition in-county is easy.
  -  jonwaynetaylor Also, I love that caliber. Killed a Nilgai with it and have reloaded for it ever since. 1 like
topshotdustin Sweet!
  -  davidewade @topshotdustin Need to see you review this configuration. 1 like
  -  topshotdustin @davidewade yeah buddy! And as soon as it cools down I've got a Siete video planned as well!
ahaley1775 I have an old Pelican case I used for cameras in the closet. Just needs foam, but I'm not sure it's big enough for everything to fit. Which model case are you using?
southernfusionphotography Yes please, you already have my card on file
icecoldmn Three questions ,where is the brake to attach the tranquillo as the barrel looks bare? Why not leave the scope attached to the receiver and a little more foam at the top? And last but not least how about a early siete adaptor barrel sale for us owners? I'm going to go break in my second one tomorrow morning 😍 with the new 17" 308 I just received 🔥
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... The Tranquilo adapter is tucked in the handguard and is an abbreviated-length model, the scope has to be off the reciever or lid won't close ...