... Be advised - we've got some LaRue Rifle systems out in Uncle Sam's hands being tested for their respective applications. As usual, it's not a forgone conclusion that our system will be the last one standing. But what is a forgone conclusion is the fact that if Team LaRue is the last rifle standing in any of these various competitions going on ... we will be delivering stupendously accurate rifles, expressly built to embarrass our competitors. There, I said it 😎 ML
257 likesemilio_3511 6.5's or some new crazy caliber the DOD is trying? 1 like
- laruetactical emilio_3511 ... 6.5CM ... They have a bonafide need to shoot 140 Bergers at 2,700+ out of 20" barrels. 2 likes
benito2279 I have a PredatOBR in 5.56 & 7.62. Both hit 1000 meters this past weekend in south Louisiana with zero issues !!!!! Rain included. All the other AR platforms on the range that day had trouble keeping up. I'll post the 1200 yard target next time we go. 3 likes
justin_102179 I wish I was capable of such a thing. Sucks to know I'm not. Awesome to see that you are! Mad respect 💯💪 4 likes
wet_neck_67 👊💥💯 1 like
akscott60 Lasers..... 1 like
hurr_durr_derp Please let us know when the IRS submits an order for the 80k new hires. 1 like
- laruetactical hurr_durr_derp ... Uh, there's nobody to hire. They could just as well called that 500,000 new IRS agents approved. They'd still get just 23 applications, and 20 wouldn't show up the first day. 😂 5 likes
lukedaugherty The tool has no conscience, that's the owners responsibility 🔥