... Someone posted this letter on AR15.com, here's what he said about it ... "Here is a letter about price increases from a major firearms wholesaler, edited part of it out but this is one of the big guys that supply gun stores" Ladies and gentlemen, Cuovid Inflation is real, and gonna be around awhile. Every manufacturer is experiencing unplanned/unscheduled flu interruptions, which play hell on output. Imagine trying to build a car right now, and every shift folks are out, leaving a hole in the line, slowing the line down while the new guy/gal learns the ropes, until they decide unemployment money sounds better than having to get up in the morning. The car company has to call it's suppliers to slow down the supply trains, the suppliers are experiencing the same issues as their car builder customer, cascading throughout the supply line. But payroll and the electric bill doesn't stop, even though there's less going out the door. Sorry, I went off on a tangent, my 5 year old Canyon has 150k miles on it, and they don't have computer chips for the new ones they are making 😳 ML
797 likesj_tweezyv Wait, the flu is back now? I thought Covid took it out last year 🤔🙃 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_tweezy ... I was speaking in code to throw Skynet off. Then you went and spelled it exactly as they are watching for 🤷 18 likes
  -  j_tweezy @laruetactical what can I say you're just too slick for me 🤷
  -  babylambchops146 @laruetactical I always prefer "spicy air"
  -  mattyreload556 @laruetactical 😂
tioga_arms There was already a 5-15% wholesale cost increase at the beginning of this year. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tioga_arms ... Guess they decided DC is filled to the brim with socialists, so eating the cost increases and riding this one out makes no fiscal sense. 1 like
iamspeare It's amazing to me that many of the same people that understand a $15 minimum wage will result in a $10 happy meal can't understand that a 15% increase in material prices will increase the finished product cost. No gouging necessary. 9 likes
  -  slrrifleworks @iamspeare no shit right 1 like
turbochris13 Or suppliers just saw what everyone is willing to pay and said we might as well raise prices because everyone else is price gouging our product we should atleast make something on it???? 5 likes
  -  iamspeare @turbochris13 you just missed the point, that's not what's happening, or at the least is far from the whole story. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @turbochris13 ... Says the guy that hasn't noticed gas goes up in price when the price of crude oil goes up, or the refineries all freeze and bust on the Texas coast and take forever to get back on line while they still pay their ginormous electric bill and hit the "send" button on direct depositing the ginormous payroll. 5 likes
  -  alpha_phil15 @turbochris13 this is completely market driven and it's happening in every sector…not just primers and firearms.
  -  turbochris13 @laruetactical i dont remember saying i was mad about it? Or that i wouldnt buy the product. I am stating a fact that when people rush out buy something all up and then places start price gouging like hell the companies see this and decide why should they get all the extra for our product. So they raise prices and i get you all are paying more for material and must offset your costs. And trust me i can see gas prices going up and down my truck tells me everytime i fill her up.
handloadsandholdovers The car dealers near me are empty of new cars. They've spread work trucks throughout the lot to make it look like they have some inventory. My buddy building a house can't get paint for the interior (already had the lumber). We are in a mess 2 likes
cncappsjames Not only all of that, but the supply chain is still recovering from the long term shutdown and the mass hoarding from last year. EVERYTHING from mining/raw materials acquisition to transportation and distribution was deeply affected. It will take years to recover. 2 likes
leonhardt_ian Scary times. Thanks for sharing. 1 like
getupusa You drive 30k miles a year... Wow! 2 likes
  -  macas_corbui @getupusa Like most people in Texas, 30k in one truck, 30k in the family car, 10k in the beater, and 10k in the Froader. (Off-roader) 2 likes
mrktrn I went to buy a dishwasher because mine was beyond repair and picked one out and the sales guy said it would likely be 4-6 months on back order, so I picked out another, same. So then I asked what the actually had in stock. Luckily they had a few. 1 like
  -  the_red_rhino @mrktrn just ran into the same issue almost. Just moved from overseas and we started over with a lot of furniture. New couch, dinning room table, blah blah blah. Couch was ordered in may and delivered a couple weeks ago.
desperado1126 I bought an new' 01 F350 for $41,000. Today I couldn't touch it for under $80,000. My wages? Maybe 10% more over 20 years but only because I work 20% more than I did back then. Everything has doubled except wages!! 4 likes
46wlf46 Every business that makes something is effected terribly. Can't get components, and can't even get an ETA for a backorder. We have a car with a broken AC line. The part is made by the company my wife works for. We can't find one anywhere and there is no time line for when we can get the part. Plus it's hot and that keeps everyone nice, calm, and happy. 2 likes
  -  j.bucki @46wlf46 i waited about half a year for crucial parts to come in for my BMW, ridiculous. 2 likes
  -  lsxus__ @46wlf46 you ever thought of having one made? That would take 20mins to make 1 like
themostamateurgunsmith @46wlf46 I wonder if scrapyards and pick'n'pulls are seeing and uptick in business because of new parts shortages......? 3 likes
  -  46wlf46 @themostamateurgunsmith yes they are. 2 likes
  -  46wlf46 @lsxus__ funny you should mention.
Exactly what I'm doing. 1 like
chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows We will continue to support badass companies like your Sir. You truly are our last hope at one day returning America to the manufacturing powerhouse it once was. But a whole lotta heads gotta roll before then. 2 likes
curtis_carp Time to continue to load up on ammo 1 like
drickvalsky The problem is these people that always complain about price don't actually know what it costs to make something. They think you just pay for raw materials and the rest magically happened. They are too stupid to understand that you have employees and those employees need toilet paper and a parking spot. 2 likes
michoelleopold Man, and that's on top of their bump earlier this year
mckeonekert I've been told by a car dealer the chips that are needed for new vehicles are made in China. Huh.
jasonpegg I'd pay those increases, no problem, if it meant I could actually find primers, or powder, or ammo
pnhurst So unobtanium is going to cost 15% more. Still $0 out of my pocket
nola_nobody_designs Y'all put it off as long as possible. I'm not mad. It is what it is. Still love your products, and will buy again.
mattyreload556 It's also the price and availability of raw materials, not just holes in production.
jasonk7474 That has actually been around since April. First time I saw it was at the speer distributor. They all are no longer giving long term contract pricing to LE dealers because they cannot guarantee pricing. Wonder as import ammo prices drive down the cost will domestics have no choice.
badtemper223 Happening to us in the hvac industry. Manufacturers having hard time due some form of supply chain getting those compressors built and then shipped
grantlucke People will stay on unemployment if their wages fucking suck… no shit. Why work hard for pennies as a line-worker if you could make the same not having to wake up in the morning. Nobody owes anything to an employer that doesn't compensate them properly. Capitalism baby, people can choose who/how they work provided they have the skill set. Simple stuff.
trapshootb MR LARUE... I have a question. Are you ever going too build the # 7 Rifle and sale it too us ??? I want too buy a Rifle and would really like too buy one from you. ? 🤷🤷🤷
crackshotmcfly That is the same story for our meat processing plants, pretty scary when the food supply goes...
cuatropines That's not Covid inflation that's Bidenflation.
  -  alamo_brass @laruetactical our distributors have told us it's a five year window on primer orders for reloading shops like ourselves.
  -  laruetactical @alamo_brass ... Holy Hell !😳! 1 like
  -  alamo_brass @laruetactical yeah for real. Powder is so so depending on the distributor but primers are the unicorn. I always laugh when the FUDs tell me back in 20** I paid 30 bucks for a brick.
  -  laruetactical @alamo_brass ... The FUDs are gonna eventually run out of closet space. so there's no need to increase primer production capability 2 likes
  -  alamo_brass @laruetactical true that. And truth be told I would love to buy primers at that price but the distributors don't even sell em at that price for a small business sized orders. Simple economics really, distro costs go up and public price goes up also.