... "Happy Hump Day is a phrase variously issued to people on Wednesday, popularly called hump day in office environments. Wednesday first came to be known as Hump Day since at least the 1950s. The expression figures Wednesday, the middle of the workweek, as the hump people get over to coast into the weekend."
370 likesiiisashiii Being attacked from all sides over here
  -  laruetactical @iiisashiii ... 💃💃💃 1 like
  -  b_team_engineering @laruetactical love how you return fire 1 like
tailormadetargets Best kept secret in triggers 🙌🔥🙌
dustyel74 Wasn't "Jack Ruby" George HW Bush's alias ?
h1ghd120 I love my samurai. Lol
guns_n_oil_revival While I agree with the sentiment, I encourage you to watch the Samurai rollover trial videos. They sure look like someone was hell bent on roll that vehicle over. I'm betting a Jeep would rollover too if driven in the same manner. Big Government in bed with Corporate America started way before the last couple decades... That said, I own two MBTs and only one G trigger for a reason. 1 like
cncappsjames The Ford Explorer's were actually easier to roll. The smear campaign against Suzuki was driven by the Big 3 domestic auto manufacturers because they were getting their clocks cleaned in every way shape and form. Had the Big 3 actually cared about Quality in deed rather than meaningless words in the 70's and 80's they would not have taken near the beating they earned. We ALL have better cars today because of the big 3's hubris BITD. JM2CFWIW YMMV
dstrand09 Suzuki Samurai's are bad ass. Still in work at 100 Canadian bush camps across the north. Don't have no jeeps there.
458lottfan LaRue triggers are the only triggers I buy. I recommend then to everyone I know that builds AR's or wants to upgrade their set up.
pawpawlammy Samurai are fine until you try to flip them. Watch the videos. These morons could roll a Tesla. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pawpawlammy ... Your correspondent humbly admits he bought 2 or 3 Samurais at fire sale prices and used them as predecessors to Polaris Rangers 5 likes
  -  crabtree308 @laruetactical I had one of those back in the day and wish I'd have kept it for that very reason. I did come really close to rolling it more than once, but that's probably a product of what i was putting it through at the time. 2 likes
  -  pawpawlammy @laruetactical been looking out for one. Every time I find one in good shape they want a fortune for it. I will find one eventually