... Since we already have the best folding mechanism we think there is completely developed ... Oh hell, might as well throw it on there 🤷 As an optional drop-down 😎 ML
849 likesdmcwilliam.762 Any chance for a right folding option that clears or covers the bolt handle?
  -  laruetactical @dmcwilliam.762 ... Nope, I like it right where I put it. 3 likes
chadlee_fxlrs Does the bolt have to be forward when folded?
  -  laruetactical @chadlee_fxlrs ... No, bolt can be in your hip pocket 9 likes
lcpl_loreg Will this bright green be a color option?
  -  laruetactical @lcpl_loreg ... No, that's a model in Solidworks 3 likes
  -  josephsunnycalb @laruetactical the green would be a sweet option though 1 like
charles_helm Hurry up and take my money before I spend it all on whiskey and women. 3 likes
  -  jram8383 @charles_helm lmfao 1 like
  -  mikeb945 @charles_helm spend it on whisky and women and the rest I'll just waste 1 like
  -  charles_helm @mikeb945 Busy wasting it myself so I need to spend some on the Siete first! 1 like
bret_shipley Want! 1 like
jarretthale2002 RAT stock? 1 like
jarretthale2002 Guys, I think it's gonna happen soon. November???
  -  thirtythree_three @jarretthale2002 Yes, November, 202Nevergonnahappen
tsuhobbs Send me one for T&E. I'll run it at my next Run N Gun. 7-8 miles of hell in Marfa, TX. 😘 2 likes
guns_n_liquor WHEN CAN WE BUY 2 likes
jtwendel02 Nice, I can't wait to get my hands on one. 1 like
danielbeckman7282 Ohhhhh.....nice....but I think I just jinxed this project...every time I comment on a Siete project, I kill it...PLEASE BRING THIS TO US MARK! 2 likes
adamethridge This is looking fancy I likes it
redoak.sooner Skip the chassis-to-tube transition in the first place. No need to add that to the length of pull. Getting awful far on the distance back to the cheek riser even with the stock collapsed... Just have the hinge as the rear of the chassis. Or sell it with a wood stock. 😍
sp.arks991 Amazing... looks great!
where_gun Good shit Mark 1 like
furious_styles11 Easier cleaning...
americanrecoiladdict There ya go 💪🤟
voortrekker_19 I'd like to have it.
thumblessprimate I didnt know yall have a folding mechanism 😂
pewpewvette Thank you for this
texaswitt_ranchesforsale 😎
midnite_actual In before the capitol hill claims of it turning bolt actions into full autos
imissyou.iloveyou.imsorry 😋
deo_vindice1984 Will this be available for regular ARs, as an alternative to the Law Tactical folder? 1 like
  -  hurr_durr_derp @deo_vindice1984 I'd love to see a larue option in this market. The law tactical unit is really solid on it own. Zero complaints about it but I'd probably take a hard look at a larue offering as well. 2 likes
  -  deo_vindice1984 Especially if it was $100 less 1 like
wardjm1 @laruetactical can I please have that beautiful wood stock you showed all those years ago?! 1 like
captnjack @laruetactical RAT Stock risers coming available as well? 1 like
curtdemel Attaboomer @laruetactical