... How's it look ? Remember, this LaRue folder will be an option. There's a lot of very precise, time-consuming doo-dads in that folder. Not gonna cram all that precision machining down everybody's throat when only a few want it. It will be a drop-down option u s ML
787 likeslaruetactical Yes, 8.999 lbs
jcaplinger199 Will this be sold as a chassis system, a complete rifle, or both?
  -  laruetactical @jcaplinger199 ... Complete rifle 3 likes
  -  gospencer1 @laruetactical please consider selling it without a stock (as an option) so we can put a brace on shortys without a SBR tax stamp
chad_pyle Looking forward to it, any reasoning behind a fluted versus a dimpled barrel? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chad_pyle ... Yes 2 likes
  -  ewdeters @chad_pyle in the last post about the barrel he said he follows the rifling down. 1 like
iberuss Also are you going to machine in ARCA to the bottom of the hand guard?
  -  laruetactical @iberuss ... That's been covered 1 like
tmiller67 Will any Remington 700 SA stocks be compatible? If so, I plan to buy an old wood stock for it. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tmiller67 ... Yes, but you'd need to GlassBed it. 3 likes
the_satty .308win or 6.5cm..... that's the only hard decision. Who's got advice?
  -  texasgunnews .308 maintains energy down range..... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @texasgunnews ... Crows and groundhogs say "buy the 308" 😎 6 likes
  -  chad_pyle 6.5 if you are shooting paper or steel, .308 if you are shooting things made of meat.
  -  fiesta346 I've dropped whitetail deer with both calibers over 250 yds
  -  laruetactical @fiesta346 ... And there it is 😎 1 like
medic.wv Looks great! I've found that after the cool factor of a folder wears off, I'm stuck with an extra 10oz (with 4 of those oz on the bolt carrier) of weight for a feature that I really don't need. Having it as an option both pre and post sales, makes sense! 👊u m 👊
  -  medic.wv @medic.wv (I realize this is a bolt gun' and therefore probably a lighter solution than with a semi-auto, but still a specialty upgrade imo.)
  -  laruetactical @medic.wv ... This is a bolt action ... not a gas gun. 1 like
charliesclones Looks good. You might be surprised how many will opt for folder. We sell long range bolt rifles, and get probably 40% folder on short action and 80% on long action. This is Cadex, Barrett and AI. 4 likes
realwarthog71 Looks great! I don't want to bring up Ruger again (but I will 😁) One reason that their magnum calibers are such soft shooters is their in-line bolt design. Its perfectly in-line with the top of the butt plate. That small variation makes a difference between my 338lm RPR and my MRAD
  -  laruetactical @realwarthog71 ... This is a short action ... 6.5CM, 338Fed, 308Win, 260Rem, etc. Recoil just isn't an issue. Down the road, we'll bring out the long action ... when time permits 😎 ML 8 likes
  -  rhyno_82 @laruetactical thanks for the 338 Fed option!!
  -  laruetactical @thatwallerboy ... Now we're back to Isaac Newton again 😎 2 likes
  -  realwarthog71 @thatwallerboy c'mon man. Don't exaggerate. More like a mini cooper
ruggedcan Any plans to sell the folding adapter for a AR platform? And that it can be a add on to any AR?
  -  laruetactical @ruggedcan ... No, it's not the same mechanical situation. 3 likes
  -  ruggedcan @laruetactical I pray you fall asleep tonight and wake up with a vision.. 😉 3 likes
patrick.a.johnson314 My God...it's happening!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 likes
  -  perez2021juan @patrick.a.johnson314 bro for real! I think hes gonna do it!
theallred1984 Lefty option? 4 likes
  -  _schrambo_ @theallred1984 now that would spice things up!! I hope so!!!
bill9mill Remember that one dog who pee's every time he gets excited and has to be left outside? I'm not saying it's me, just saying 🤷😂 1 like
soefjeb Take my money already 🙌 2 likes
pjcane I can't wait to order one of these... 🙌 1 like
jivesturkey It's like you read my mind on wanting a folder!
kimberfan Any rough idea on timeline and starting price point? Looks great!
joe.numbers I'd buy one right now
shooterjosh3 Looks much better than the previous rendition.
cbesthorn Take my money already
800mzero Yes please!
where_gun Vertical pistol grip?
daveyelverton Me like.
stevenmc117 Will this come in 300 blk
kevin.mcglothlin.078 Now he adds .338 Federal??? So I need .308 with 6.5 and .338 acc barrel ??
iberuss Also I would rather have a Predat-siete QD takedown over a folding option. Just for ideas. Everyone has their own itch.
texastroubadour 🧡
nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical I remember when you said whoever bought the Larue cans first would get first crack at the rifle 😮 1 like
gospencer1 @laruetactical I'm in! Hope you still have all our emails from the Siete sign up deal several years ago! Please include a short barrel option! 1 like
jmille122 Well then. Looks like more of money will be going to @laruetactical
lilrieck @laruetactical take my money's!!!!!!
lozanojacob58 @laruetactical I'd love me a folder any day from you guys 🙌 💯
mrmrar15 @laruetactical looks great. Only small tiny caveat I would love to see as a drop down option- your take on a skeleton style prs stock.