... Rollin', rollin' rollin' ... ML
512 likesjosh.macintyre That's the tail to the El chubacabra! 3 likes
6creedmoorshooter 🤘
duty.calls ETA on public release? 2 likes
rafaelisawesome 🤩🤩
thirtythree_three Dibs. 🤣 But seriously, dibs. 🤨
j_frank24_ Please, oh please!
csolstice032018 Siete me Please?
jtwendel02 Ready to buy one!
thiswildadventure Excellent. Don't forget about the promise you made to all TranQuilo owners. 5 likes
  -  ccmac_osu @thiswildadventure I own a tq but don't know about this promise 1 like
  -  thiswildadventure @ccmac_osu I posted it in my story
  -  codycrafted @thiswildadventure cool, but your account is private 1 like
  -  thiswildadventure @codycrafted cool story bro 1 like
  -  codycrafted @thiswildadventure that doesn't even make sense in this instance 2 likes
shqype_ Siete in 6.5 CM please 😀us
topshotdustin Verified Siete Bolts?!?!!!!! 😍 4 likes
instructorbrian Oh heck yeah!! 2 likes
motocycleman12 Only the best. 2 likes
def3va Como se dice Siete baby!
storman_67 The heart of the Unicorn 🦄 2 likes
phil.thompson.140 Rocking it!
alpha_phil15 Getting ready to be fluted I hope 😉
cool_fly_daddy They better be on the way!!!!!! Because I'm tired of this damn unicorn shitting in my yard🤨 1 like
realmda13 So psyched I won this in .308 for the 1st round Nolo drawing!!! Thank you ML for that #SmokinSiete 🔥 🔥🔥 2 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @realmda13 lol yeah right
jjmaho8 Please make a medium action size too!!! 1 like
mikenotgonnagetit I cant tell from just looking but they look a little like a Remington 700 bolt. If so will they fit a 700 action? I've got a 700 in 308 that if simply love to swap the bolt, provided theyd fit and youd sell one as an " 1 like
kodiak_precision That's some clean machining there Mark! 1 like
eadie.steve Keep those doggies rolling! 1 like