... Reader sent me a pic of another one of our mounts on TV (?) 😎 ML
743 likesjnm99.34 Yet another gun grabber making a living off of glorifying guns 2 likes
- mikenotgonnahappen @jnm99.34 who?
- jnm99.34 @mikenotgonnahappen that is milla jovovich. Protests for gun control yet is almost exclusively in movies where she glorified guns 1 like
- mikenotgonnahappen @jnm99.34 lol what? That picture is Eve Harlow. 8 likes
- jnm99.34 @mikenotgonnahappen then I stand corrected
- bradbuildshomes @jnm99.34 hahahaah nice one
- sevenpointsixtwo @mikenotgonnahappen Eve Harlow is probably still a gun grabber anyway 1 like
- mikenotgonnahappen @sevenpointsixtwo possibly i know nothing about her offhand. But that isn't the discussion at hand.
beardedguat333 Meh...show was decent but acting was clunky. I noticed the mount when I watched that episode 3 likes
screaming_reels_556 The best part is that they have it mounted correctly!
topshotdustin Verified I'm just supposed Hollywood didn't mount the scope backwards like usual 😂 9 likes
- laruetactical @topshotdustin ... The Good Book says ... 😎
tearle509 c note delayed.. arg UPS! .. now.. I need a QD mount for my Cross. =)
chew_collin I screen grabbed this this morning to send it to y'all and forgot. Glad someone beat me to it
biglots88 Sorry Larue, the show was so bad, I stop watching it before your mount show up 😂 1 like
l2azorback You should watch the series ML!
todd_._naylor 4 eps in. Not bad. Better than the terminal list for sure. 3 likes
- bradbuildshomes @todd_._naylor you're crazy if you think Night agent is better than terminal list! 8 likes
- laruetactical @bradbuildshomes ... You guys are funny ... like two camp buses opening fire on each other 💥 4 likes
- todd_._naylor @bradbuildshomes the cinematography and acting was awful in terminal list. Probably the worst job to date for Pratt. 5 likes
- bradbuildshomes @laruetactical wouldn't have had to go off safety if this guy actually appreciated quality story writing
- todd_._naylor @bradbuildshomes quality writing?! For fucks sake 😂😂
pnhurst Binged it last night. It is on Netflix.
jpyro69 She was the best part of the movie!! Crazy awesome!! 1 like
5ashcattleco She was crazier than a rabid squirrel 6 likes
certifiedstunts Great series too. Great series too. 1 like
kevin.goodman.543 Different knob on the bolt carrier?
mp5sd10 I'm watching it right now
antb2048 Just watched that scene!
jzsnider The best part was when she got killed wow she was a stone cold killer , if you haven't seen@it a good watch
- brtnglht @jzsnider yeahhh... Woooooohhh.. kadenggggg! 😂
mikenotgonnahappen Lol I spotted it as well and lost my shit pointing out to my wife. She called me goofy, laughed and then said "the things you geek out over". Then I showed her the same mount on her rifle and smiled ha ha 4 likes
the_aqua_ape I noticed this last week
thatguy775702 Predictable, but good show