... Stimulus Check Wednesday ... Have you ever shot a lower ? Because we affix lowers to their EDM Magwell fixture on the left side of the lower, I'm gonna try to hit the Texas on the other side by shooting through this side. I'm using a new 18" LaRue Ultimate Upper that I just put an unlucky 13 rounds through😳 But holy cow, I made three (3) Federal 77 gr Gold Medal Match touch👀(see red dot). Then I'm gonna Wire-EDM the magwell. Then tumble, blast, and black anodize it. Don't touch that dial ... ML
926 likes458_socalm Can't wait to see this, gonna look awesome 1 like
cts304 Your lowers are a thing of beauty 3 likes
mm9392266 Haw can i get one? 1 like
- gsdpanzer @mm9392266 as in yee haw? ðŸ¤
classicfire95 Can we see some anodizing video?
- laruetactical @classicfire95 ... Yep, search "Anodizing aluminum videos" 8 likes
joe.shelby88 My Stimulus Check wants one 1 like
reidaverill Can you third hole it above the safety? 3 likes
- laruetactical @reidaverill ... It's gonna be a fishin' stringAR hole 😎
sirgoyle19 aLl lOwErS aRe mAdE bY aNdErSoN 5 likes
- laruetactical @sirgoyle19 ... AsK mE hoW muCH yoU HAvE IN CoMMoN WIth A BOx oF ROX. 11 likes
gordo_operador Any thoughts on putting out ambi lowers in the future?
blck10th @laruetactical Ok how does one machine the magwell? My other toolmaker buddy says it's broached. Me I'm just not sure I feel like there would be a lot of material to broach out no matter what you machine out of it.
- laruetactical @blck10th ... Budget lowers are broached. I wire-EDM my magwells, because that's how we roll💪 ML 3 likes
jacenhunt Ordered my lower last Wednesday, it came into my FFL today! Pretty fast turnaround in today's situation! Thanks again Larue!
512_texican Reminds me of my Socom Black Diamond lower. Looks great!