... What we have here is the last of the Siete backorders. I need to shoot one. Please pick a number 1 thru 5 and post your number vote. I will take the winner of first 20 votes back and proof-group it. Be fast, I got a lot going on here. Go 😎 ML
458 likescroakvan 2 and 5, then it would be...Siete.
ahaley1775 Oooh, one of those may be mine. CC was charged the balance due yesterday. 1 like
  -  lakeviewarms @ahaley1775 same here! I can't wait
nshay001 I sure hope one of those beauties is mine 1 like
  -  laruetactical @nshay001 ... If you have one on order, then yours is either inbound or sitting on that rack 1 like
  -  nshay001 @laruetactical Then I win.
connelldad Are you going to perform the break in procedure?
  -  laruetactical @connelldad ... See newest post
redoak.sooner If 87 or 17 are not options, then it is 3, because Dale Earnhardt. 😁 1 like
laruetactical ... Winner = 5 4 likes
anorexic_hamsters Wait until 3:30 AM and #3 will get more votes. 1 like
ethridgemd 5 and hope it's mine! 1 like
lakeviewarms Please one of them be mine...
tsuhobbs Always 2
derekdolbeyforge 2
joefacedchillah Four
josh.macintyre 3
texan.right How could you not put 7 up there 😂 1 like
licketysplit2 @larue_tactical I didn't get a test target with mine. You file a MOC on that Mark?
  -  laruetactical @licketysplit2 ... I don't shoot test targets on everything. I did on that particular Siete, but only after doing the lazy man's break-in on all five rifles that y'all picked #5 to shoot a proof-group with 💥 ML
drewestatestone 1
kodiak_precision 4
slo_mercury 4
texasgunnews 5
thejdhill 5
rcgardner79 5
800mzero 3
sp0kanistani 3
lostlike_nemo 5
radiac_svcs 5
_oliverallen_ 5
antb2048 4
dghtdddjjjjjda 2
casbon3 3
michael_s.kline 5
matthew_bolding 2
ttyner1212 3
a.hare_999 3 1 like
nick27h 5
seanodonnell211 3