... I may have arrived 🤓Leupold spotted using a LaRue PredatOBR 😎 ML
264 likesslariv9213 It's what I have on mine. The rifle deserves nothing less.
meidamx06 Get some.
cardinal_tactical I think I can, I think I can.... I will have one soon!! Your rifles are works of art. I have to have a PredatOBR
evan_wells48 You can always spot some @laruetactical rifles @followthroughbuck classes. I hope to take mine one day 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @evan_wells48 ... I follow Buck 😎 1 like
pewpewvette You've been arrived. 2 likes
curtis_carp Congratulations!
tree.sloth Eotech shotshow 2023 also using Larue rifles: https://youtu.be/57wtIPlFRHI
texasgunnews They know a thing or two. On the Spiritus Systems website, the first image that is on their roll around gallery on the main page is a guy with a spray painted PredatOBR. Once again...there is not a better foundation for a multi-role duty gun in existence.🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏