... Turns out you don't need an intercontinental EMP missile to put us in the stone age ... short range cruise missiles will do just fine when launched at chip plants from within the Pacific Rim 🤷
587 likesangrygingertx China could win a war against us without ever firing a shot. They could just not let cargo ships leave their docks for a week and we'd pretty much be screwed. 38 likes
  -  laruetactical @angrygingertx ... LOL ... "Holy hell, where's our MREs !!" 8 likes
  -  herefor_thebeer @angrygingertx yeah but they have one billion more people than we do and not enough land to grow food to survive. They need crops from us worse than we need cheap labor . That's why trumps tariffs hurt both sides so bad . And that's why South America burned rain forests for two years, they tried to scab our crop industry. 1 like
dkoenig1134 I'm making parts that go in the machines that make micro chips! We are slammed! Like 400% increases in production in the past 3 months! 4 likes
  -  fit2practice @dkoenig1134 What do you attribute to the increase in demand?
  -  king.garon @fit2practice following...
sawgas_and_woodchips 3D printer no go brrrrrr 3 likes
paul7.62x39 Ford
warbride9mm Is this why my kids computer was so damn expensive?!
optiskate Yup... top of the line video cards are now being scalped for as much as $5k thanks to said shortage... I was wanting to build a new drone and parts are sold out everywhere... 1 like
bdclone Gun and Ammo go back to normal as tech industry spirals out of control! Can this be a headline 🤔 2 likes
jhsnyder85 Driver for taking over Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg Co
texan.right I work for one of these companies, and the "shortage" we see is an over abundance of demand in all sectors.
mac_daddy62 We rely too much on Chinese goods and services. And that's not going to change under this current stupid administration! 1 like
squ1rp Largest chip mfg in the world is building a new fab here in AZ
tacticaltundra I think everyone highly underestimates America's ability to Take every other country back to the Stone Age yeah we may lose electronics but they will lose mountains 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @tacticaltundra ... Made me smile 😎 3 likes