...Here's the rest of the story from that last target. Talking about the two groups on the left. The bullet outside of the group on the far left was a cold bore shot. After that group I futzed with the turrets to zero it. I moved it some more after the high bullet. Then it took off again 🔥 ML
432 likessrsrifles Very great groups!
longrangesurfer Since this is a PredatOBR thread...why do my spent casings eject at 2 o'clock on my PrdatOBR .308? Shooting 168gr Federal Match grade BTHP. Shouldn't they eject closer to 3 or 4 o'clock? 1 like
  -  doh_0013 @pksurfer Are you sure you're in the right time zone?
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... Stale springs - next.
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical can you clarify? Stale springs in the ejector or the buffer tube (this is the first I heard of this and looking to soak up some knowledge)? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thejoeeckels ... Hard to say without knowing your cleaning habits and how much you weigh. 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical purchased 12/12/17. How stale can "springs" be? Less the 500 rounds through it. I had to bring it back (I'm local so I can just drive to the shop) once for fail to eject problems. Was told the barrel nut wasn't tight.
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical I keep it showroom clean and I weigh 215. So, that's not the issue for me.
  -  longrangesurfer @doh_0013 last time I checked...I live about 10 min from where these rifles are made. 1 like
  -  justcoelho @pksurfer so you live in Narnia?
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... How do you know that it's not the issue when I'm not through joking around yet ? 🔥 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical order number was 610194 if you're curious you can look up the history. Bought a 556 tOBR on the same order. Runs flawless.
  -  longrangesurfer @justcoelho nah. Better. Texas. 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical well, whenever you ARE doing joking around I'm happy to bring the rifle to you and maybe you can check the springs. See if they're stale. Or the cleanliness. I'll even hop on a scale so you can check my weight.
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... Ejecting at 2:00 is not an issue, not sure how you came to think it is. 1 like
  -  justcoelho @pksurfer can't be. The magic of Laure is beyond this world
  -  justcoelho @pksurfer where are you out of? I'm near Georgetown
  -  longrangesurfer @justcoelho Cedar Park 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical well, I was being generous. It was closer to 1-1:30. And that was unsuppressed. Just prior to this... while shooting suppressed I had two rounds fail to clear the ejection port. A new round made it to the chamber but the casing got stuck in the ejection port. And yes, the selector switch was in the correct position.
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... Whoa, we've gone from you incorrectly explaining a situation, that if it had been true, was essentially irrelevant ... to a completely different situation, that by your latest admission, one could surmise may also be incorrectly described.
  -  longrangesurfer @justcoelho good gosh. You're a beast.
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical neither situations are incorrect. Both happened. Same day. Same box of match grade ammo. Same prone shooting position. To type it all at once would've been too long.
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... I'm not entirely a beast, as I see you nailed proper use of that apostrophe. 💪
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical @justcoelho is the beast. Strong as an ox.
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical I just want to get the issue resolved. I'm a big fan of Larue rifles. Have 3 of them.
  -  justcoelho @pksurfer maybe call or dm @laruetactical. This thread probably isn't the right forum for tech support
  -  longrangesurfer @justcoelho you're right. Waiting until Monday. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... He's right, this ain't the place to debug a rifle, especially since you eschewed properly describing the issue at the outset, i.e. "To type it all at once would've been too long."
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... Perhaps you should attend our Armorer's Class when the Commie flu dissipates ? 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical sure. Would love to.
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical yep. You're right Mark. My fault for not being properly descriptive. I should've described in its entirety and chronologically what the issue was right from the outset.
doh_0013 Dude. You poked those with a Phillips head. Don't lie. #Wow
charles_helm Meant to ask on the left target, right side, why you shot a heart and it's not even Valentine's Day? Nice work.
henry_bruns Armorer's class?!
Yes. Most definitely. And it would take me all of 10 minutes to drive there.