A reminder to 167g Ammo used in the two 0.300-something groups couple posts back 😎 ML P.S. - I trust y'all will cry "Uncle" when I'm posting too often 🤷
286 likesbillsnearly Those are amazing rounds. I have a few hundred left. But a double whammy - most people don't pronounce Scenar or Lapua correctly! 😂
f15eagleusa Keep ‘em coming!!
pewpewvette These Creedmoor rounds sure do love the LaRue barrels.
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Pics, or ...
  -  pewpewvette @laruetactical These ARE my pics. You said if I wanted a hat, I needed pics. There are a few more in the first AAR email
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Oh 😎 You're thinking I remember 54,900 screen names with"pew" 😳🤪
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Wait, you're like the guy that kept showing up at Springsteen concerts holding a sign that read "Murder, Incorporated"
  -  pewpewvette @laruetactical Unsure what this means and if I should be insulted. I'd be happy to differentiate myself if that's the problem.
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... It means I see "pew" in a lot of screen names and I'm on the run and don't make an effort to keep them all apart
  -  pewpewvette @laruetactical I get it. I have my hands full keeping work, social, & personal straight while working through a divorce that keeps dragging. It's not easy. Was hoping for a Siete hat based on some earlier conversations about providing pics in exchange.
  -  pewpewvette @laruetactical How can I get a LaRue Siete hat?
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... I approved one today .. . it's gonna be O.D. green to match the O.D. furniture on the Siete 1 like
brian_landgraf What twist rate and barrel length is the Siete available in with 308? What do the Scenar projectiles work best with in your experience?
  -  stillten8 @brian_landgraf 1/8 1 like
swissgunsbestguns When was that bought I've never seen that ammo in a decade
  -  laruetactical @swissgunsbestguns ... Aha !!
cncappsjames That Lapua brass... 😍 That's all I run in my .338LM now. Makes a difference.
  -  pewpewvette And it reloads well too. 1 like