... Years ago, my oldest machinist we have here at LaRue, listened to me detailing what it took to rake online haters off of us. He said “Young feller, you're worrying them, and that means you're doing it right. If they ain't talking crap about you, they ain't worried. And that brings us to our new C-Note ... it's been a long time since an all out attack has been directed at me over a new product launch ... it's reassuring to know we got 'em runnin' scared 😎 ML
545 likeswhataguy_justaguy Can you explain why get this over using standard iron sights? This is like putting pistol sights on an AR sort of right? Just trying to understand the proper use case or if it's just a fun thing 6 likes
  -  modest_omega @whataguy_justaguy if you have more ARs than optics and need one in a pinch, drop this on the rail and good to go 🤌
  -  whataguy_justaguy @modest_omega I don't have that issue lol, but wouldn't you have to zero it for each rifle? Or is it close enough to that it's accurate at 7 yards?# 2 likes
  -  modest_omega @whataguy_justaguy haha I hear ya. Demos I'm seeing on the webs, looks like it's horseshoe and hand grenades close enough to do headshots at 25 yards w/o zeroing. Others saying it's good at 100 yards out of the box 1 like
  -  whataguy_justaguy @whataguy_justaguy @laruetactical This is a genuine question, unless that guy answered it?
  -  laruetactical @whataguy_justaguy ... He answered it ... Ammo choice and shooter's body type is gonna decide actual POI ... 1 like
mitchell_gucci So many haters quit giving them a voice Mark! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mitchell_gucci ... They get the ban hammer 😎 3 likes
kommandostore I would never personally buy it, but it's pretty funny watching people lose their minds over this 😂 17 likes
anaexed What would the height be in comparison to a red dot 🔴 1.42 ? 1.57 ?
  -  laruetactical @anaexed ... It's the same as our B.U.I.S. ... 1.420" over rail 4 likes
brooksdorsey Probably brought a ton of traffic to your website. I for one, can't go to your website without placing an order. 5 likes
freakinout Owning GD without even posting there 2 likes
laruetactical @freakinout ... Ya made me look. GD hasn't innovated 😎 1 like
burtns3 I bought a bunch of Larue MBT triggers as they are legit the best triggers you can get for the price point $79 a piece if you get 3+ and has been tested and used with excellent feedback. Basically just a individual choice not to say anything about these sights but the customers ultimately have the control not the company that makes the product. As they vote by where they spend the money, and the customers chose what products they will purchase or not to purchase. That being said no one will keep producing something if it doesn't sell very good as where is the profit? so let the sales decide. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @burtns3 ... I think we're already up over a 1,000 C-Notes shipped since we threw the gate open ... just to be safe, guess we'll make few more 😎 3 likes
icecoldmn I seriously don't get the hate, you would think they had to buy one. As a guy who owns a couple LaRue's, keep doing what you do, succeeding in life and business like you have will always drive some people to hate and envy. 1 like
airwreck.t I think it makes sense for people who like Iron sights, I'm a Lpvo guy but I would use the C note for sure. No hate from me on anyone who brings options and innovation to the market, especially LaRue.
shooter300 But that thing… it does not frighten me. 1 like
danieldoubled85 I think it's a cool concept. As a guy that doesn't have a lot of high end optics, if I have to send one in for repair or warranties or whatever, I'm basically stuck putting a spare red dot on and having to go zero it. So this could easily fill the void. Or if I buy a new rifle and haven't decided what optic I want to put on it
fireman4180 I wasn't really sure about it at first, but you have demonstrated what it can do. Can't argue with the results! Looks like another great LaRue product! 2 likes
4gordonwagner It was sad how many manufacturers that make a completely different product were shitting on it, sounding like dirty used car salesman. 1 like
jn_kelso Just do you Larue! 🔥
mr.niceknife Interested in one, height options would be nice 🙌
ricosuave1821 Hell yeah Mark stand strong 💪💪
pvd.tactical Honestly, I don't really get it, but sometimes people just need to stfu and mind their own business. 1 like
  -  pewpewvette @pvd.tactical I don't have a need for it either but I see a place for it on my subguns instead of the plastic folding sights 1 like
dana_bp I have one already and really like how quick it is to get on target. As soon as I shoot it I'll likely order another. Awesome product anc a more than fair price! 2 likes
thatcolemanguy Just ordered it.
justin.k.tollefson I got a chance to run mine this weekend, it kicks ass. I've got a handful of rifles waiting for optics, and with this small investment I was able to go shoot them and see how they run before I invest bigger bucks on permanent optics. I was impressed at how accurate I could be out to 100 yards with such a short sight radius. At 25-50yds, even more fun. Take it off and throw it on a different rifle and rock and roll, I dig it! Definitely worth the more than generously low price. 2 likes
jasonpegg What's the fuckin problem with it? People are lame 1 like