... Meh, maybe I'm wrong 🤷
494 likesadvancedshootinganalytics Are your shooting MOA? Not Mil, yeah?
  -  laruetactical @advancedshootinganalytics ... I'm shooting paper targets at 100 yards, measuring group size with a LaRue 6" Ruler, then dividing that measurement by 1.047 to come up with the MOA number.
  -  advancedshootinganalytics I started thinking about the scope reticle you posted about. MOAK is my preferred. But I digress. Here are my thoughts...
Moa Vs Mil
Using a rangefinder/ballistic calculator combination, MOA and Mil are equally good. The units could be whatever, real or not. You could even make a new unit for range - "JAM"s. - my favorite unit. The JAM: Every even JAM is equal to 2 yards and every odd JAM Is equal to one meter. Unless it's a prime JAM and then it's equal to 1 yard/1 meter. It doesn't matter. You'd tell the computer "the range is 30 JAMs (computers are really good at math...) , and you'd dial whatever number of angular made up units it told you. MOA is just about 1" at 100 yards. That's pretty convenient. Size of Target in inches divided by size of target in moa x 95. 95 is basically 100 so just multiply by 100). Pretty convenient. For Mil the range of the target is the height of the target in cm / size of the target in Mils x 10. Does anyone in America guess sizes by cm better than they do in inches? Let me digress: I'm an engineer... every equation I've ever learned is in metric. Look up thermal conductivity equations in the Imperial system. It's horrible. In thermodynamics, we pleaded to only have to only have test questions in metric. Slug, lb, different meaning lb. It's insane. I live in America and I still sight everything in inches or feet or even yards. Example: For range, is anyone really more confident with meters ranging than with yards? 100s yard is a football field. In a different life I've ran an entire football field. I know about how far away you to run for and I've seen lots of fields on tv and in person. Makes sense. How far away something is in yards is about how many football fields away x 100. We all do this. How far is 100 meters? A little further than the 100 yard dash and a little longer than a football field. If you really want an easy to range reticle. Look at the PSO-1. MOA scopes are in .25 MOA ... Mil scopes are in .1 Mills. 1/4 Moa is a finer resolution than .1 Mils. Last but not least: MOA scopes are cheaper 🤷 1 like
  -  charliesclones @advancedshootinganalytics wow 1 like
  -  advancedshootinganalytics @charliesclones don't give me any crap. I've spent way to much money on your stuff and well also ML's. That's about the same comment my wife made when I asked her to proof read it. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @advancedshootinganalytics ... Is there gonna be a quiz ? 2 likes
  -  tjbowne @advancedshootinganalytics when do the JAM scopes come out, I need the most accurate metric possible for 50yd bench shooting. I plan on going sub 2moa with my rifle this year.
gearheadkittykat I remember reading about some of those longest shots in SWA using .50 cal and they took somewhere like 10 rounds before taking out an enemy mortar operator. It wasn't a single shot, 2 shots, or 3 shots at those distances. They ran out of elevation adjustment on their scopes at times.
  -  laruetactical @gearheadkittykat ... So then, Lady Luck made the shot 😎 1 like
msskalsky Ohh if I miss a target, I send correction immediately 😂😂
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ....If you miss, it means no "dry tack" for you u s 3 likes
  -  fanorwood @laruetactical Random question: Are you still making LAT Rails?
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff But since the first shot is the cold bore or in some cases the fouling shot, the second and third maybe those most relied on because of those grouping more closely together... Hence the three round groupings giving the most real world accuracy and being most informative?? Cuz, three shots and you need to move... 2 likes
tailormadetargets Math checks out ✅🔬👨🔬
jram8383 Guys, I just want a Siete. 2 likes
mattr_209 Legitimate question 1 like
brent.hibbert Ive said that for years, but I haven't been there
thekygrassman 😂