... Somebody asked me who my biggest competitor is. I answered "our biggest competitor is ourselves ... because we have limited capacity". For all y'all that are waiting on your backorders, thanks for giving us the time we need to perfect your order 🏆 ML
776 likeslaruetactical ... As my dear old dad would say ...
"That sumbitch don't know how to act." 😎 2 likes
7fabracing 🙌🙌🔥🔥👏👏
cts304 The quality is worth the wait
cole8605 It's only been 15 days since I've ordered but I'm still checking my order everyday hoping for it to move off backordered. Can't wait to try out the new barrel and of course I had to pick up another mbt while I was at it.
the_satty When are the siete rifles releasing ?!,? 2 likes
jtaylor @laruetactical adding to my book of "larueisms"
texasviking85 Hb1927 passed to Texas senate floor 🔥🔥🔥
venatordaemn I love your products and I'm very glad you're fellow Texans
juice405 All good things take time. ALL
p_ekasingh Can't rush quality!
tpapaleo9 3 weeks away from a year 😢
tunedportcj5 Well worth it! Thank you!
sumziandi I like waiting 🤓
tjstiles If I may humbly offer some food for thought. 🙏 Look into the theory of constraints. Or check out the book "the goal" I do a massive amount of manufacturing and this book has been quite Instrumental in alleviating the issues which you're talking about. Ps, love my MTB trigger!
  -  laruetactical @tjstiles ... I'm sure you meant MBT 😎 1 like
  -  tjstiles @laruetactical yeah, that's the one! Love it!!
  -  laruetactical @tjstiles ... As to your TOC suggestion. I looked it up and we already practice that as if we invented it, just didn't know it had a name. 2 likes
frankc157 Waiting for the best is an easy decision.....thank you ML!
jsg757 There is a reason I wait
jasonleee09 So I can back order a lower and then when it ships ot ships? 🙃
baldirishmonk I got my first one after 2 months and my second after a month. No complaints here... I did create an abomination by putting my larue upper on my DD V11 pro lower though..
m_defense Still the best QD mounts.....
esqphoto Patience grasshoppers...If you place an order, it will be built and arrive. 😂
joseph5myers The best AR style rifles period and if getting an UU kit the best value going!!!
jgrues Limited capacity but still a LaRue focus on quality. Reputation > Big Box Dreams.
okie_gunslinger I'll have an OBR at some day. But not this day. Did just by a match M1A though
julsbieniek Haha love this uncle mark! 1 like
seanklk There is larue, and then there is everything else, hope to own one someday! Nothing but craftsmanship! Had the pleasure of shooting a larue about 5 years ago, it was a friend of mines....been in lust with larue ever since! I keep saving my money a little here a little there....Ill have 1 someday! 🔥🔥 5 likes
  -  titan_rook @seanklk Order it now. You'll have the money saved by time your order's up in the que. 5 likes
  -  kralynthomas @seanklk they don't charge you until it ships
9toesdesign There is nothing OTL ;) 1 like
mikeg1644 Quality over quantity every time. 3 likes
mattbunn12301 No complaints here. 3 weeks for my 16" UU and 6 for my 20". Quality definitely worth the wait. 3 likes
  -  fishingm90 @mattbunn12301 what calibers?
  -  mattbunn12301 @fishingm90 both 5.56. PredatAR barrel on the 16" and stealth on the 20" 1 like
chuckvlasek Worth the wait. My 7.62 OBR has probably 10k rounds through it and is still going strong. My 5.56 is also a tack driver but probably only at 5k or so through it. Now all my rifles are getting the triggers replaced with your stuff also. Just keep up the good work and your customers will wait. 1 like
sotacshooting Excited to eventually get my trigger! 1 like
barnegat16 Well worth the wait. 1 like
mathuttu Good things are worth the wait. 1 like