Some folks in Pennsylvania have been curious about the inner workings of LaRue suppressors. The info is in my patent, but heck, here's a TranQuilo cutaway ... ML
1,058 likesdef3va Lawsuit! :) 5 likes
thedengus @jkellar1977
dura_mag Very cool dudes 2 likes
redoak.sooner That's wild! Best can made yet! 3 likes
nurse_holliday sUpEr PrEcIsIoN sUpPrEsSoRs - coming soon! 4 likes
  -  frisco_rps13 @alphamikeneilshoots 😂😂😂 1 like
46wlf46 Ever cut a sandwich with the EDM?
jr1092 I'm from PA it wasn't me that was curious
erik.stenn Very nice design Mark. Hope to get one soon
instructorbrian Patent number?
natedag87 It's a Demarini Suppressor! (If you've played slow pitch softball in the last 20 years, you'll get that) 2 likes
16z51 Me likey. I need another one. My other one is getting lonely.