This is a heads-up to Texas pond owners - for a fee, Lochow Ranch brings rainbow trout to you in October, you feed them out over the winter, then catch 'em before the water temp gets to 70 degrees. And yep, it's time to harvest mine. As you see, they put on weight. ML
548 likesmckeonekert 🎣
jfpvh Yum let's eat
eatingallthethings5.56 But can you chicken fry it
  -  tipsywriterunavailable @eatingallthethings5.56 most things can be chicken fried. 1 like
rgh3553 I love my LT hat. Lol
rgentry27 Do they die when water temp goes above 70? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rgentry27 ... they get real sluggish ;-) 1 like
mckeonekert String stretchers!
ltdanmfer nice fish!
john_wells_101 Grillen or Baken?
redoak.sooner That's awesome!
thiswildadventure Pretty neat. Mark, generally how far into the year can you make it before the water hits 70? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure ... about first of May, as I'm in central Texas - ML 1 like