... I've noticed a strange phenomenon ... I'm not as tall as I look in a mirror 🤷😎 ML
281 likesmaster_of_the_range But what you've done for all of us there is no one taller. Great products and innovation. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @master_of_the_range ... Perhaps I'm at the perfect height to see good definition on the fine details 😎 1 like
bigaggiemike ...and I'm not as skinny as I look on a mirror!😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bigaggiemike ... I was holding my gut in ... it's the only exercise I get 😎 1 like
cupcakesmooches Hahaha and also, you can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. 🙌 1 like
joseph5myers The Army made me not as tall as I used to be and wider than I used to be 😂 LaRue quality is one constant I can always count on!
bklingensmith61 Gravity. Don't like it much. 😂
dbaz88 Love my Larue's...
spentbrasscasing LMMFAO😂
kertmckeone 🙌
fireman4180 😂😂😂
mb_338winmag3 😂👏👏
_capt_obvious Not as tall as you sounded in your email either