... Who's this cat ? He's a LaRue customer who's amazing Texas wife busted through the gauntlet and got word to me she and this guy are expecting twins and she'd like a signed LaRue cap or something for her husband. I told her to have him go hang around a nearby airport and watch the skies to the west. He spotted the bird and climbed onboard for his first flight in a small plane. After a short lesson, he took off and flew to the shop. Instructor had to fight him over who was gonna land my restored Navion 😳 Anyhow, gave him the nickle tour yesterday and he flew the plane off Georgetown's runway and flew east. All's well 😎 ML
543 likessattyboy4990 👏👏👏 1 like
esqphoto That's awesome. My first flight ever was in a small Cessna and the pilot turned over the controls to me for a bit. Man that was an experience. This guy's story tops mine for sure! Congratulations on your twins sir!!! 2 likes
arjundefense Awesome story, thanks for sharing! 1 like
tadacad That's awesome 🔥🔥 and I'm so jealous 😂 1 like
theflyinghouse sharing aviation is truly one of its purposes 4 likes
cupcakesmooches You are, hands down, the absolute best example of true southern hospitality that I have ever known. You blew our minds yesterday and made a lifelong impact on our life. We will never forget and never stop thanking you. Never. GOD BLESS YOU!!! 9 likes
the_larperator 👏👏 @laruetactical love it! 2 likes
briarbfirearms Awesome 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @briarbfirearms ... That panel tho 😎