... The Helicopter gents had one of their 16" 308 PredatOBRs with them. They estimated it to have 10,000 rounds on the barrel. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see how well it still shot, so I dragged it to the 100 yard tunnel and cut loose with some Federal Gold Metal Match, Lapua, and McCourt. I lost track of which ammo shot this 1/2" group. Speaking of groups, this pic shows how to measure a group with a LaRue Ruler. You measure from the same side of a hole to the same side of the farthest hole in the group. Look close ... do you see it ? 😎 ML
254 likesddnc699 McCourt Munitions is the man
optimalpainter 175 grain?
icecoldmn Looks to be .480 to me. Good shooting 1 like
benj_jimko Might be .490" 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 0.5" 1 like
daltonlouismcswain Indescribable. You're the man, Mark 2 likes
chipsayers 2 bullet holes inside each other?
  -  laruetactical @chipsayers ... No